The 2013 “Prix d’Excellence Eric Belfort”” KPP Awards.

06-21-2013.- On Sunday June 16th, and for the second consecutive year, Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc. (KPP) organized the award ceremony that honors the best and most deserving students of the town of Port-a-Piment.

This year, as in the last, the awards were made to honor the memory of Eric Belfort, a long time citizen of Port-a-Piment. Throughout his life, Mr. Belfort had advocated the benefit of higher education and had helped family members achieve academic success. The funds for the awards were provided by a member of his family and were matched by the Merrill Lynch/Bank of America of the USA, as part of their Matching Gift Program.

The Notre Dame du Rosaire Catholic Church was packed for the occasion.  Mrs. Roselene Gentil, KPP member and Coordinator of the Education program described the goals of the program to the assistance. Mainly, they are:  to publicly recognize young people’s achievements and offer a prize to help defray the cost of higher education.

Six finalists were announced, from four schools in the town. They had graduated from the 6ème Année Fondamentale and the 9ème Année Fondamentale, with the highest grades in their schools.

The finalists are:

Leonie Celestin from the Ecole Fondamentale d’Application(EFA), with an average of 8.00

Fanie Musac from the Ecole Fondamentale d’Application(EFA), with an average of 7.90

Vanesa Laguerre, from the Ecole Evangélique Baptiste with an average of 7.70

Rose Valenda Moise, from the Ecole Nationale de Figuiers, with an average of 7.55

Saindy St. Cyr, from Ecole Jardin Vert, with an average of 7.55

Angeline Dilvert, from College Stella Maris, with an average of 7.00


The finalists came to the podium to receive their Certificate and Award, accompanied by their parents and their School Director. In turn, the students expressed their gratitude and their desire to continue to excel academically.

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc joins the population of the town in congratulating these six finalists. Our Special Thanks go to Mrs. Roselene Gentil, to the Belfort family, the personnel of the schools, and everyone who helped make this day a Special One for our youth.

Please click here for some pictures of our finalists:  2013 KPP awards ceremony

Fête des retrouvailles à Port-à-Piment du Sud

21 juin 2013.-  Comme par le passé, l’association GIPPN dirigée par l’Agronome Yvette Marsan prend l’initiative d’organiser la fête des retrouvailles dans la commune de Port-a-Piment. Cette année ,  Rendel sera à l’honneur . En effet un grande conférence sur le thème de la Conservation de la biodiversité en Haiti se tiendra dans cette localité. Veuillez voir plus bas le calendrier de la fête.


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Programme de la fête des Retrouvailles et de l`Amitié

Juillet 2013 à Port-à-Piment

Jeudi 11 juillet

 Cérémonie d`ouverture de la fête  à Rendel

Conférence environnementale sur le thème Conservation de la biodiversité en Haïti, le cas du Parc Macaya par Fondation Macaya

Rara, Animation dans les quartiers à Rendel

Vendredi 12 juillet

Visite guidée de la Grotte Marie Jeanne

Conférence présentée par le ministère du Commerce à la salle paroissiale

Festival de RETROUVAILLES avec plusieurs  groupes  venus des sections communales, des villes avoisinantes et Port-au-Prince

Samedi 13 juillet

Randonnée à Rendel

Lancement du Parc Communautaire Robert MARSAN par la fondation Macaya

Visite de l’exposition de la biodiversité et de la foire agricole et artisanale

Soirée dansante a Port-a-Piment

Dimanche 14 juillet

Messe solennelle

Final championnat de Foot ball

Remise des primes

Causerie sur la sante avec les spécialistes de l` AMH par KPP

Clôture de la fête

KPP Picnic in the Park, a great Success!

06-16-2013-. The KPP Picnic in the Park event  held on Saturday, June 15th, was a great success. The weather was perfect. Many came to support the KPP humanitarian efforts.  At the center of the stage, the Black Stars group with Levelt Vital and Maceres Romulus (Maso)  entertained the crowd with a superb serenade. They were warmly applauded for their performance. Thank you Levelt and Thank you Maso!

The picnic included  various games of  dominoes,  cards, home and ludos.   The children enjoyed themselves playing with balls . There was an abundance of food offered to  all  including hot dogs, rice and beans, chicken, meatballs, griot,  macaroni, spareribs, cakes, sodas, water .. Thank you Vierthe, Camotte, Carolle and Edu for an excellent catering!

Thank you Geto, our in house DJ, for the entertainment

We would like to thank the members of  Blayi Kiltirel of Florida, Dr Eileen Jerome of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. South Broward Alumnae Chapter, Michèle Sidney of Good Shepherd Foundation , Vera Philoctete of St Antoine Hospital Funds for their presence and show of support.

Congratulations to the committee and staff for doing an outstanding job!

Please click on this link:       2013-KPP Picnic in the Park

Football: Espagne -Haïti (2-1)

09 juin 2013.- Hier au stade de Sun Life  à Miami, l”équipe nationale de Football d’Haiti s’était mesurée à l’équipe  championne du Monde , l’Espagne. C’était un match amical. Sur le score de 2-1  l’équipe Espagnole a battu celle d’Haiti.

Pour les haitiens, comme on dit chez nous: “nou fè bel figi’.  Malgré la défaite, les fans et spectateurs en étaient sortis satisfaits de la performance des joueurs.  Donald Guerrier, un natif de Port-a-Piment du Sud, a fait la joie de toute une nation en marquant un magnifique but.  C’était l’euphorie au stade de Sun Life à Miami.


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