03-05-2011.- Sur l’invitation  de Mr Frantz Jean, une trentaine de compatriotes originaires de Port-a-Piment se sont réunis à Pembroke Pines, Florida le samedi 26 Février 2011 pour une prise de contact.
C’était l’occasion pour  raffermir les liens , exposer les problèmes que confronte la commune de Port-à-Piment, apprécier les activités de l’association Konbit Pou Pòtapiman-Haïti et statuer sur le rôle de la diaspora portapimentaise.
Dans son exposé, Mr Jean a fait le point sur la situation socio-économique de la commune, le rôle de l’association Konbit Pou Pòtapiman et ses réalisations. L’assistance a réagi positivement avec des questions d’envergure et des échanges fructueux et intéressants ont suivis. A l’unanimité les compatriotes ont accepté l’invitation de Mr Jean à soutenir les efforts du KPP et ses activités dans la commune.
C’est ainsi que Mr Stanley Jacques Damas et Mr Jean M Romulus ont proposé  à l’audience l’idée de former une association portapimentaise en diaspora : Konbit Pou Pòtapiman, Inc– L’assistance a approuvé la requête et ensemble, elle a proposé et élu les  membres du comité exécutif de l’association :
Frantz J Jean (Milou) – Président
Colette Marsan St-Gérard- Vice Président
Carole Sidney Paul- Trésorière
Carmelle Lubin Oriol- Secrétaire
Stanley Jacques Damas- Membre- Conseiller
Jean Maceres Romulus- Membre-Conseiller
Les membres du KPP Inc ont pris l’engagement de préparer les documents de l’ association en vue de son enregistrement légal dans le plus bref délai.
Bienvenue aux membres de l’association Konbit Pou Pòtapiman-Inc!



Konbit Pou Pòtapiman sends you her best wishes for the New Year and expresses her sincere appreciation for your support over the past year.

2010 proved to be a difficult year for all our countrymen. The January 12th earthquake, the cholera epidemic, and political violence were among the many challenges our beloved Haiti had to endure during this tumultuous year. Again our sympathies go to the many families who were victimized by these horrible events.

Despite the confusion and chaos caused by these events, Konbit Pou Potapiman, did not waiver. Our focus remained on the goals that we had set for the year. We are happy to report that more than 80% of our goals have been met.

1- Thanks to your support, we have been able to enroll 24 disadvantaged children in our scholarship program ( https://portapiment.com/?cat=16 )

2- We strengthened our relationship with two non profit organizations. Our partnership with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority South Broward Alumnae Chapter of Florida USA has allowed us to distribute school supplies to more than 100 impoverished students aged between 6 and 17 in the county of Port-à-Piment. [https://portapiment.com/?page_id=1932 ] [http://picasaweb.google.com/frantzphoto/SuppliesDonated# ]

With the support of the medical association “Class of 72 Association Inc.” medical equipment and supplies were donated to the new Hospital in Port-à-Piment. [https://portapiment.com/?cat=14&paged=2 ]


3- We organized our annual Health Fair with the collaboration of AMH of Haiti [ Association Medicale Haitienne }, the Haiti Health Department[ Département de la Santé Publique ] and the Port-a-PimentMunicipal authorities. More than 300 patients received free medical care and prescribed medicines. [https://portapiment.com/?p=2294]http://picasaweb.google.com/frantzphoto/FoireMedicaleJuly16172010#

4- Throughout the year, we continued to actively seek assistance for our county. Thanks to those efforts, a new hospital has been built and inaugurated:



5- A contract financed by PNUD (Programme des Nations Unies Pour le Developpement) was awarded to KPP to repair and rehabilitate the drinking water system destroyed in 2008 during the passage of hurricanes Hanna and Gustave. Work is ongoing. .[https://portapiment.com/?s=21+novembre+2010 ]

6-Our internet site [www.portapiment.com] continues to grow despite difficult economic conditions. We have become a source of information for our municipality.

-Year                  2010      -2009

Visitors 7068 1259 (+381%)
Page views 42009 7838 (+336%)

Konbit Pou Potapiman, will continue in its commitment to serve the county of Port-à-Piment by participating in all projects benefiting the municipality and its surroundings. In 2011 we plan to seek more partners to help us achieve our goals of

a-) building a Sports cultural Center for the youth of Port-a-Piment and its surroundings

B-) financing a sustainable sanitation project which includes the construction of latrines

C-) setting up a Library to benefit the children of Port a Piment.

D-) maintaining and increasing the support of initiatives taken during 2010

We remain committed to transparency and responsibility. With your help we hope to make a difference.

Please join us and help us reach our goals.


12-28-2009- Konbit Pou Pòtapiman wishes you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

As we reflect on the progress made throughout 2009, we feel much pride in our accomplishments.

1-     In 2009 we wanted to “Strengthen our movement by forming a Non-Profit Association in Port-a-Piment under the name of KONBIT POU POTAPIMAN.”

Konbit Pou Potapiman was founded and on January 12th, 2009 it was officially registered with Haiti Social affairs department as a non –profit association. [https://portapiment.com/?page_id=374]

2-      In 2009 we wanted to “Reach out to all friends of Port-a-Piment and particularly the citizens of Port-a-Piment living abroad in getting them involved and interested in seeking and assessing opportunities to visit, invest and help our municipality’”.

On November 11 2009, we mailed out and published a letter to all inviting you to join in our efforts to help our county. We launched a school tuition program and with thanks to those who positively responded to our request we have been able to help12 impoverished students. [https://portapiment.com/?page_id=1550]

3-      In 2009 we wanted to “Use our site Konbit for Port-à-Piment to inform, promote and seek support for all future projects.”

Our internet website www.portapiment.com has continuously been updated to keep you informed of what is going on in our county. We did our share by promoting our city, seeking assistance for our county through various non profit organizations, encouraging others to share their knowledge and giving support to others in their activities. We worked with OIM [International Organization for Migration] to rebuild our town irrigation system in Paskoma. [https://portapiment.com/?cat=8]. With CRS [Catholic Relief Services], our town has been able to obtain assistance to start a reforestation project at Charles Griffe Mountain. The work is still on going. In conjunction with the local authorities, we submitted a consumption water project to UNEP [United Nations Environment Programme].  We support GIPPN/ PNUD cooperation in their efforts to secure our town from flooding. Information on the project and the work being done were reported on our news section. [https://portapiment.com/?cat=8]. We are now cooperating with the non profit organization”Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.,-South Broward Alumnae Chapter” to bring needed goods to the young children of Port-à-Piment

4-      In 2009 we wanted to “Continue to be transparent and responsible in all future endeavors”

Throughout 2009, all of our activities have been systematically announced and published.  Our members on the ground in Port-à-Piment have consistently provided timely and accurate information on their projects. They have proven to be reliable in their ability to work with other organizations and the municipal authorities on various activities. [https://portapiment.com/?cat=6]

Konbit Pou Potapiman [K P P] grows stronger everyday because of the dedication of our members working together to create a better life for our brothers and sisters in our county.  Daily readership at our website [www.portapiment.com] continues to grow steadily.

For 2010, we have many challenges to face. The following goals are set for the coming year:

1-      Enroll 25 more kids in the KPP school tuition program.  This program will also focus on school visits/lectures on health and environment

2-      Partner with other organizations to improve the quality of life for our community

3-      Establish K P P Health Awareness initiative. This initiative will share information about health, nutrition, and disease prevention.

4-      Create KPP Youth Sport Program which will include Soccer, Ping Pong

5-      Create K P P Book club.

With your help we hope to be a catalyst for more far reaching and long term positive changes that we all dream to accomplish.  We have been inspired by many of your emails, phone calls and more so by the people in Port-a-Piment. Our invitation to you is wide open. We remain committed to transparency and responsibility.

Your personal participation, active and generous support are essential. Please join us.



Konbit Pou Pòtapiman--Article 4.-
L’Association a pour buts de :
• Coordonner les différents projets de développement pour la commune de Port-à-Piment.
• D’établir un contact entre les ONG et entre les projets
• Participer à la réalisation de tout projet bénéfique à la communauté de Port-à-Piment et de ses environs.
• D’offrir certains services relevant de sa compétence tels : Analyse et évaluation de projet, formation de personnel, service de gestion et de comptabilité, consultation technique, correction/rédaction de documents et traduction anglais-français-créole.
Pour satisfaire l’offre de service et de gestion, l’Association devra avoir suffisamment d’autorité pour faire respecter, même par les organismes de financement, les critères qui auront été retenues par l’Assemblée Générale
Critères :
1-Tous les projets devront être au profit de la communauté
2- les projets devront offrir la possibilité d’une participation maximale de la population
3- Les projets seront appropriés pour l’environnement climatique social et économique de la zone géographique de la commune et de ses environs

February 10, 2009-We are pleased to announce that as of January 12th, 2009 “Konbit Pou Pòtapiman” is officially registered with Haiti Social affairs department as a non –profit association. A certificate of Attestation was received to confirm this.

Konbit Pou Pòtapiman was established to achieve several goals – to help coordinate different projects for the county-  to serve as a liaison between the NGOs and projects benefiting the county of Port-a-Piment- – to provide certain services such as project and evaluation analysis, training/ seminars, accounting and administrative services and technical consultation- and to participate in all projects benefiting the county of Port-a-Piment and its environment.

We will also serve as a rallying point for all citizens and friends of Port-a-Piment.  Although the association is at its infancy, we are looking forward to this year and our continued growth. We thank you all for your continued support.


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Year 2009.  May this coming year bring you good Health, Peace and Love!

2008 has been a difficult year for our motherland Haiti and particularly our hometown of Port-a-Piment.  These are a few of our accomplishments:

*  We initiated a solidarity movement called Konbit for Port-à-Piment.

*  We created a Blog whose purpose is to keep you informed about our


· We contacted and have been collaborating efficiently with the

Municipal Authorities of Port- à-Piment.

·And with your generous support, we have successfully accomplished our goal of cleaning our streets of debris and stagnant waters left by hurricanes Hanna and Gustav.

For that we thank all of those who have contributed to make this a reality.

For 2009, we plan to:

1-Strengthen our movement by forming a Non-Profit Association in Port-a-Piment under the name of KONBIT POU POTAPIMAN. More details will be provided in the coming months.

2-Reach out to all friends of Port-a-Piment and particularly the citizens of Port-a-Piment living abroad in getting them involved and interested in seeking and assessing opportunities to visit, invest and help our municipality.

3-Use our site Konbit For Port-à-Piment to inform, promote and seek support for all future projects.

4-Continue to be transparent and responsible in all future endeavors.

It is in this spirit that we hope to contribute to the well being of our brothers and sisters. We hope you will join us to form a chain of solidarity and a model for others to follow. YES, WE CAN!

Happy Holidays!
