On Sunday June 5th, a distinguished gathering took place at the Church of Notre Dame du Rosaire in Port-a-Piment, to celebrate three important events in the life of the community.

  • The Graduation of the students of Cred’ENI (Centre de Recherche en Education pour le Developpement Ecole Normale d’Instituteurs)
  • The Graduation of the class of 9eme Annee Fondamentale of the College Stella     Maris
  • The “Prix d’Excellence Eric Belfort” Awards by Konbit Pou Potapiman (KPP).      These awards are presented to the best performing students of the commune, by recommendation of the school administrators.

An assembly comprised of students, school directors, teachers, graduates, parents, clergy, friends and guests filled the church to capacity to first help celebrate the traditional mass. The participation of the  “Chorale Vertus Dei” and the Chidrens’ Mimes ensured a grandiose ceremony and a most memorable time by all.

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At the end of the mass, the Parish Pastor introduced Mrs. Paule Edeline Orcel, KPP Board member in charge of the Award presentation. Mr. Jean Marc Auguste and Mr. Eliovil JeanBaptiste, also KPP members, accompanied Mrs Orcel to the podium.

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Seven students, from four schools of the commune received the awards, while accompanied by their parents. They were presented with a Certificate as well as with a Cash envelope, to help defray the cost of higher education.

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The 2016 recipients of the PRIX d‘EXCELLENCE ERIC BELFORT are:

Marcelin  Pierre-Louis              College Stella Maris

Villiana Musac                          EFA(Ecole Fondamentale d’Application)

Linord Pierre-Louis                  Ecole Evangélique Baptiste

Modelin Horacius                      Lycée de Port-a-Piment

Ruth Salomon                           Collège Stella Maris

Oxenson Registe                      Ecole Evangélique Baptiste

Miermont Francois                   Lycée de Port-a-Piment

Some of the award recipients and their parents took to the podium to express their gratitude to KPP and to the sponsors of the program, as did the Director of the College Stella Maris.

Konbit Pou Potapiman is proud to continue this tradition of rewarding academic excellence, and in turn, thanks its supporters, particularly the family of the late Eric Belfort for providing the funds for this activity. Thank you all.


Port-a-Piment Inter-school soccer (TiKan) championship

The 2016 local Interschool soccer Championship known as TiKAN was held throughout the month of May at the EFA school in Port-a-Piment.  The final was played on Sunday May 29th between the Lycée of Port-a-Piment and the EFA (Ecole Fondamentale d’Application). Same as last year, the Lycée of Port-a-Piment won by the score of 1-0.  The winning goal was scored by Closel Jean-Baptiste .

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The championship was organized by the local association NOSH and sponsored by Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc (KPP) There were 6 participating schools: EFA, Lycée de Port-a-Piment, Ecole Baptiste, Ecole Nationale de Labeyi, Ecole Mixte Tabernacle and Ecole Nationale de Figuiers.

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The NOSH TiKAN tournament is becoming one of the most attended activities in the town. This sport program allows the kids the opportunity to engage in a healthy activity that boots confidence and enhances competiveness. Please help us keep this program alive by visiting our internet site often and making a donation.

We congratulate NOSH for its leadership in organizing the tournament.  Congratulations to Carl Edouard of the Ecole Baptiste, the best scorer of the tournament.


Nouvelles en bref

31 mai 2016.– Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais.

Produits Gourde ***US Dollar Gourde   US Dollar
Date 26/05/16 05/26/16 26/04/16 04/26/16
1 Marmite de Riz 180.00 2.90 180.00 2.91
1 Marmite de Mais 120.00 1.93 120.00 1.94
1 Marmite de Blé  180.00 2.90 180.00 2.91
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil 120.00 1.93 120.00 1.94
1 Marmite de Pois 360.00 5.80 360.00 5.82
1 Marmite de Pistache 225.00 3.62 200.00 3.23
1 Marmite de Farine 120.00 1.93  120.00 1.94
1 Marmite de Sucre 180.00 2.90 180.00 2.91
1Marmite Sel de cuisine   25.00 0.40  25.00 0.40
1 Gallom d’Huile 350.00 5.64 325.00 5.25
1 Pot de Café (en paille) 175.00 2.82 225.00 3.63
1 Livre de Poisson 125.00 2.01 125.00 2.02
1 Livre de Viande  100.00 1.61 100.00 1.62
1 Sac de Charbon 250.00 4.02 225.00 3.63
1 Gallon de Kerozène  195.00 3.14 195.00 3.15
1 Sac de Ciment 550.00 8.86  550.00 8.88
*** 26/05/2016(Taux de Change)
$1.00USD = 62.10HTG

Update on the KPP Animal Breeding Project

The residents of Dupin and Pinette are the first beneficiaries of the KPP Animal Breeding  Project. 20 families are already owner beneficiaries of goats and sheep. KPP monitors and the veterinary expert continue to provide the guidance and training necessary to ensure the success of the project.

Simultaneously with these activities,  KPP started to implement a reforestation  program in the two targeted villages, using the same beneficiaries to facilitate motivation.

On May 19th, 2016,the beneficiaries in Dupin received 5 seedlings each, which must be planted and protected. The seedling of choice was the Cashew Nut Apple Tree (Pòm Kajou).

KPP intends to provide more seedlings when ready for planting, to the beneficiaries of Pinette in the days ahead.

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