There is no need to remind anyone of the importance of water in a community. Access to clean and fresh water is a main concern in Haiti, where waterborne illnesses, such as typhoid, cholera, and chronic diarrhea, are the cause of more than half of the deaths in the country every year. Contaminated water is also one of the leading causes of childhood illnesses and the very high infant death rate in Haiti (57 for every 1000 births). Port-a-Piment is not exempt from these calamities. Since the hurricane of 2008, this community has been without a public water distribution system. Although Konbit Pou Potapiman, with the assistance of United Nations Development Program (UNDP), had managed to restore a system of water distribution for the community in 2012, hurricanes and other difficulties outside of KPP’s control resulted in numerous setbacks and a return to point zero.
As the saying goes, “Where there is a will there is a way”, KPP keeps knocking on doors to find answers. As a result of these efforts, we can share 2 pieces of encouraging news with you.
First, the Stopgap Water Project.
In the last few years, Port-a-Piment reached a water crisis; the local hospital was without water, schools were without water and most households are still without water. One can only imagine how basic needs are met; or better yet, how basic needs are not met. We at KPP decided that something had to be done. Not tomorrow but Now! And that’s how the concept of the Stopgap Water Project was born and implemented.
The Stopgap Water Project consists in the construction of artesian wells throughout the community to provide immediate relief to the water crisis. As the word stopgap implies, this is not a permanent solution. But it’s a solution that has provided a necessary “shot in the arm” which brought instant relief and smiles to a community. The project started in March 2016 and at the time of this writing, 6 wells have been constructed. These wells are at the: Hopital de Port-a-Piment (Hospital), Lycee de Port-a-Piment (School), College Stella Maris (School), EFACAP de Port-a-Piment (School), Ecole Nationale de Figuiers (School), and a Public well in the lower part of Figuiers.

Simple things with enormous consequences are now happening in Port-a-Piment. Children in some schools now have the option of turning on the tap to maintain their cleanliness. Staff at the community hospital can now wash their hands while attending to patients. Just imagine! These wells have made a world of difference. Inauguration of the wells are a cause for celebration, with smiling children jumping with joy and pumping water from the well. We also received an email from Dr. Missole Antoine (Medical Director, a.i.) of the hospital thanking KPP and in particular Mr. Frantz Jean, President of KPP. In the email, Dr. Antoine underscores the successful collaboration between the hospital and KPP to bring water to the hospital which now contributes to better services.

Although we are not armed with statistics for this community, we can confidently say that the project is saving lives.
Of course, nothing can be done without the financial support from so many. We want to take this opportunity to thank all the folks who have contributed to KPP and in particular, Dr. Serge St. Gerard.
Dr St Gerard sponsored the construction of the well at the EFACAP school. He wished to honor the memory of his mother, Mrs Anne Muller St Gerard, an esteemed career educator who practiced her vocation in Borgne, Cap Haitien and Port-au-Prince.
Second, Revamping the Public Water System.
Since the hurricane of 2008 which destroyed the water system of Port-a-Piment, the community has been in a constant struggle to provide clean water to its citizens. With the assistance of United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and DINEPA (Direction National de l’Eau Potable et de l’Assainissement), one giant step was taken when the system was partially repaired in 2012. However, Hurricane Sandy destroyed the work that had been achieved.
In a recent communication, Ing. Pierre Michael Merisier, Deputy Technical Director of DINEPA, informed us that a project to revamp the system has been approved. In the last two months, a feasibility study has been updated and the bidding process is now being finalized.
Your contributions have helped so much with the water project and with all the different programs that KPP implements in the areas of Education, Health, Sports, Infrastructure, Youth leadership … But the need is still great. A financial gift from you will be a big help in helping KPP reach its goals. No amount is too small nor too big: $20, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford. The needs are tremendous and urgent.
If you would like to donate, please send your donation to:
Konbit Pou Potapiman, Inc.
18421 NW 12th Street
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
OR Use the PAYPAL DONATION button on this site.
Konbit Pou Potapiman, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt not for profit organization.
Yves Sidney