Port-a-Piment news update

10-6-16 (9:30am) – It’s been reported that there are many casualties in the commune of Port-a-Piment especially in the villages such as Paricot, Potus, Guillaume etc..
The hospital is overwhelmed with the victims of hurricane Matthew: lots of wounded people
Our correspondent in PAP is screaming for help.
Please watch for an announcement for ways you can help via www.portapiment.com ..
Meanwhile, in Florida we are under a severe Hurricane WARNING.

Hurricane Matthew update (Port-a-Piment)

10/5/16-(6;45PM) Hurricane Matthew moved away from Port-a-Piment. No loss of life has been reported. The hospital is standing.

However, we have received some very bad news. Hurricane Matthew has practically destroyed the city of Port-a-Piment. A phone call from a trusted KPP member informed us that the entire city has been severely damaged.

99% of houses have sustained heavy blows. The Catholic Church had its roof blown away. The neighborhood of Anbalarivyè has been taken over by the ocean .No homes are standing in that area.

No pictures are available yet at this time. We will keep you informed as soon as we get more information. You may follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please keep Port-a-Piment in your prayers. For the folks who are in the path of Matthew, in the States,  be safe.

Dear Friend of Port-a-Piment

We are hoping that you and your family are doing well. Just want to give you a quick update of what we know  so far  about hurricane Matthew in Port-a-Piment:
1- Phone and internet connections have been out of order  since 4:00am Tuesday October 4th, 2016.
2- At leat 10 coastal houses in Figuiers were destroyed by the ocean.
3- The Figuiers beach was flooded by the rising sea.
4- Residents of Figuiers were forced to seek shelter at the Ecole Nationale de Figuiers.
5- Residents were advised to vacate their houses on Monday night and seek refuge at either the EFACAP school and/or College Woody Damas
6- AnbaLarivyè was flooded by the rain and sea water. It’s been reported that all coastal houses have been wiped out.
7- Port-a-Piment has accumulated more than 755 mm of rain water.
8- Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc participated in an emergency meeting under the auspices of the Haitian Consulate in Miami. Local organizations were mobilized to seek medical supplies for the impacted areas of Haiti including Port-a-Piment.
The damages are probably extensive. We do not know at this time about the surrounding villages. KPP will try to get in contact with the relief agencies working in Haiti.

In light of this unfortunate devastation and depending on the weather situation in Florida, we will call for an emergency meeting of  the Board of Directors to discuss and draft an action plan to deal with the situation.

We will need all of you for support.  Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and on the KPP internet site (www.portapiment.com) for updated information.
Thank you all,
Frantz J Jean

Hurricane Matthew Path Update