Focus on the Hospital of Port-a-Piment

The Hospital of Port-a-Piment is a public institution which was officially inaugurated on the 28th of October 2010. It is one of the largest health facilities on the Southwest coast of Haiti.


The hospital is the most imposing building in town and it offers the following services

  • Short-term Hospitalization 
  • Radiology
  • Laboratory
  • Maternity
  • Vaccination
  • Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation


In addition to serving the residents of the commune of Port-a-Piment, the hospital is heavily visited by patients living outside the immediate area, from Tiburon to Roche-a-Bâteau.

The hospital structure houses a  Reception/ Patient triage area,  an Emergency Department with 2 observation rooms and a dressing room, a General Ward with 21 beds, a Maternity Ward that includes an antenatal consultation room, a postnatal area, a family planning service . The Delivery Area consists of a Pre-Partum room with a capacity of 2 beds, a delivery room with 2 birth tables and a Post-Partum room with a capacity of 6 beds. Vaccination and Malnutrition services are also offered.








The Medical Staff includes a Medical Director, 3 nursing assistants, a Laboratory Technician and a physician on duty by contract. Each year, the Medical Director must request from the state the appointment of Doctors and Nurses in Social Service residency so as to meet the needs of the population: “The lack of technical human resources is a major handicap at the hospital. More doctors and nurses are needed to provide quality and necessary care to the patients” states the Medical Director Dr. André Letang.

After the passage of Hurricane Matthew in October 2016, the hospital welcomed a contingent of Médecins Sans Frontières of Belgium (MSF) (Doctors Without Borders) to enhance all of the above services and help run them 7days/week, 24 hours/day.

Two years later, in 2018, this major and important partner, MSF, reduced its number of support personnel as the emergency period for Hurricane Matthew had ended. They fortunately continue with Maternity/ Woman Services as a vital service in the community, with the goal of reducing the maternal mortality rate in the Southern department and more specifically in the Port-a-Piment area. MSF also helps in the operation of the Emergency Room, as it funds the services of 4 nurses and one doctor.

Following are the latest statistics for the Hospital of Port-a-Piment.

For the Year 2019 :

Doctors’visits                         13958

Emergencies                           2137

Admissions                              1172

Prenatal Consultations            5844

Referrals to other facilities         237

Deliveries                                 1088

Family Planning                       5486


Among the numerous benefactors of the hospital, we note and give thanks to:

The late Mr. Fritz Gattereau, ex-Mayor, who donated the land upon which the hospital was built.

The Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc. (KPP) for its unrelenting efforts and assistance.

Dr Eddy Jean-Baptiste of  the “Associations des Medecins Haitiens” for his guidance.and care.

The Class of 72 Association Inc. of Maryland headed by Dr Henriot St Gerard, who provided various medical equipment and support.

To these,

we are proud to add:

The Family, Colleagues and Friends of the late Dr Roger Malebranche who passed away last January. We are grateful for their contributions to KPP in the name of Dr Malebranche.

In coordination with, and on the advice of the Medical Director, Dr. Andre Letang, Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc. purchased a Carestream 14×17 X-Ray Cassette, 5 boxes of Medical X-Ray Films, and 6 Printer Toners to reinforce the services in the Radiology unit. The X-Ray Cassette is as of now in Haiti. The films and toners are awaiting shipment to Haiti.


Konbit Pou Potapiman also expresses its gratefulness to the Hospital Administrator Mr. Evens Pierre and his Staff , who strive to provide the necessary care to the population of Port-a-Piment..


In memoriam: Dr Roger Malebranche

Konbit Pou Potapiman and the town of Port-a-Piment have lost a dear friend and supporter. Dr Roger Malebranche of Broadalbin, New York, passed away last Friday, January 17th 2020. Dr Roger Malebranche fell in love with Port a Piment years ago, when he was assigned to work there as a medical resident.

From our correspondence over the years, Roger, as he had requested that I call him, related: ”I can tell you that some of the most precious days of my life were spent in that little town.”

Roger followed our work very closely and never hesitated to encourage us to keep the faith.
He never forgot Port-a-Piment as he confessed:” My dream still is to get down for a visit and see what’s going on”.

Once as I was getting ready to travel to Haiti, Roger sent me a note: “When you get there, please say Hi to the town and its inhabitants for me, and drink a shot of tafia ak asowosi .in my name “

Roger will be missed. May his Soul rest in Peace.!

On behalf of the population that he had served, we at Konbit Pou Potapiman express our thanks and deep respect for his service.

Condolences to his family and friends.
