Nouvelles en bref

7 Janvier 2011.-  Prix des produits alimentaires sur le marché portapimentais :

DATE 26/12/10 26/12/10 26/11/10 26/11/10
1 Marmite de Riz 140.00 3.50 150.00 3.75
1 Marmite de Mais 80.00 2.00 84.00 2.02
1 Marmite de Farine 75.00 1.87 96.00 2.40
1 Marmite de Sucre 155.00 3.87 144.00 3.60
1 Marmite de Pois 200.00 5.00 150.00 3.75
1 Marmite de Petit Mil 80.00 2.00 84.00 2.02
1 Gallon d’Huile 255.00 6.37 200.00 6.50
1 Marmite de Blé 50.00 1.25 35.00 0.88
1 Marmite de Pistache 60.00 1.50 70.00 1.75
1 Livre de Poisson 120.00 3.00 100.00 2.50
1 Livre de Viande 100.00 2.50 100.00 2.50
5 Gallons d’Eau Potable 35.00 0.87 35.00 0.87

$1.00 US=40 Gourdes

Fund Raising Updates


Balance brought forward 1/03/11 $390.27
Transfer 1/03/11 $70.00 $460.27
Chlorine tablets 1/08/11 -$169.97 $290.30
Cash 2/26/11 $110.00 $400.30
Checks 2/26/11 $75.00 $475.30
Chlorine tablets 2/27/11 -$120.78 $354.52
Camera Purchase 2/27/11 -$94.22 $ 260.30
Cash 5/17/11 $30.00 $ 290.30
Check 5/27/11 $40.00 $ 330.30
Checks- Health Fair 6/23/11 640.00 $ 970.30
2011-Health Fair supplies 7/5/11 -610.00 $ 360.30
Check 8/29/11 200.00 $ 560.30
 Check  9/25/11  40.00 $ 600.30 
 Water Pipe repairs  9/27/11 50.00

$ 550.30   

 School supplies  9/27/11  50.00 $ 500.30
 a/o 10/26/11  2270.00 $ 2770.30
 Membership fees  a/o 10/26/11  1575.00 $ 4345.30
  Contributions  10/26/11  797.10 $ 5142.40
Various Expenses repairs-school/health/irs fees-Bk fees/Repairs

a/0 10/26/11


$ 2385.16
Fundraising/office exp


10612.10  5935.22  $7062.04
2011-Incorporation fees   3/10/11  87.50  $6974.54
Medical supplies Shipping fees   5/23/11  267.50  $6707.04
 School supplies-tuition 12/13/11 -499.50  $6207.54


Konbit Pou Pòtapiman sends you her best wishes for the New Year and expresses her sincere appreciation for your support over the past year.

2010 proved to be a difficult year for all our countrymen. The January 12th earthquake, the cholera epidemic, and political violence were among the many challenges our beloved Haiti had to endure during this tumultuous year. Again our sympathies go to the many families who were victimized by these horrible events.

Despite the confusion and chaos caused by these events, Konbit Pou Potapiman, did not waiver. Our focus remained on the goals that we had set for the year. We are happy to report that more than 80% of our goals have been met.

1- Thanks to your support, we have been able to enroll 24 disadvantaged children in our scholarship program ( )

2- We strengthened our relationship with two non profit organizations. Our partnership with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority South Broward Alumnae Chapter of Florida USA has allowed us to distribute school supplies to more than 100 impoverished students aged between 6 and 17 in the county of Port-à-Piment. [ ] [ ]

With the support of the medical association “Class of 72 Association Inc.” medical equipment and supplies were donated to the new Hospital in Port-à-Piment. [ ]

[ ]

3- We organized our annual Health Fair with the collaboration of AMH of Haiti [ Association Medicale Haitienne }, the Haiti Health Department [ Departement de la Santé Publique ] and the Port-a-Piment Municipal authorities. More than 300 patients received free medical care and prescribed medicines. [ ]

4- Throughout the year, we continued to actively seek assistance for our county. Thanks to those efforts, a new hospital has been built and inaugurated:

5- A contract financed by PNUD (Programme des Nations Unies Pour le Developpement) was awarded to KPP to repair and rehabilitate the drinking water system destroyed in 2008 during the passage of hurricanes Hanna and Gustave. Work is ongoing. .[ ]

6-Our internet site [] continues to grow despite difficult economic conditions. We have become a source of information for our municipality.

-Year                  2010      -2009

Visitors 7068 1259 (+381%)
Page views 42009 7838 (+336%)

Konbit Pou Potapiman, will continue in its commitment to serve the county of Port-à-Piment by participating in all projects benefiting the municipality and its surroundings. In 2011 we plan to seek more partners to help us achieve our goals of

a-) building a Sports cultural Center for the youth of Port-a-Piment and its surroundings

B-) financing a sustainable sanitation project which includes the construction of latrines

C-) setting up a Library to benefit the children of Port a Piment.

D-) maintaining and increasing the support of initiatives taken during 2010

We remain committed to transparency and responsibility. With your help we hope to make a difference.

Please join us and help us reach our goals.