The KPP Summer Camp 2013, a Stimulating Initiative.

The KPP 2nd Annual Summer Camp was held from July 22nd to August 2nd. This year, the chosen setting was the National school of Labeyi. It offered a more pastoral and relaxing atmosphere than the locales in the city, and it also accommodated a greater number of participants. 44 children, from age 6 to age 14 attended the 2 week camp.

As in the last year, the children had been recommended by the School Administrators of the county. These officials had worked with Mrs Roselene Gentil , a retired School Inspector and KPP member, to provide KPP with a list of qualified participants. The kids were to be selected on the basis of academic excellence, and many had achieved an average of 8 or 9 over 10 for the school year.

The camp day started early as children gathered by 8AM in front of the Notre- Dame du Rosaire Church to ride the “Dignite” bus to Labeyi. As the bus took them to and from camp, the children would be heard by all, singing their heart out and enjoying the ride. The monitors on the bus held daily counts, using identifying bracelets, and ensured the safety of the children.

Soon after arrival, the children would gather under a “tonel” built for the occasion, while sitting on locally made “nats”. A welcoming talk was held daily by Mrs. Danie Lubin or Mrs Paule-Edline Orcel, coordinators for the program, or by Mr. Frantz (Milou) Jean, President of KPP in the US.  They would remind the children of the themes of Respect for Self, Others and the Environment; of the principles of good behavior and of proper hygiene. They would also review the children’s interest in the camp activities. The children would then wash their hands; do a Prayer and eat a breakfast of Bread, Peanut Butter, Chocolate milk or Oatmeal Porridge, or Spaghetti and Meat.

The participants would then break into groups and work with different monitors on their favorite activities: arts and crafts, including making projects using dried banana leaves under the direction of Mr. Lambert Orcel, a local artist; paper flowers, reading, sewing lessons, group jigsaw puzzles… The latter part of the morning would be devoted to physical activity, including practice sessions with soccer, basket or volley balls, or jumping rope.

Lunch would be served around 12 noon. At mealtimes, designated children would help set up or clear the tables. Meals were the occasion to remind all of table manners, including the proper use of utensils. Lunch usually consisted of Rice and Beans, White Rice and Bean Sauce, with “Legim”, Meat or Herring in Sauce and a Fruit Drink.

The afternoon session often included a Guest Speaker. The children had the occasion to interact with Mr.Jean-Robert Isidor, the President of KPP in Haiti; with Mr Phedo Lubin, KPP member, who challenged the kids on preserving the environment by taking care of their own tree. A viewing of the first part of a movie on Toussaint Louverture was also held, as well as a Quiz on current affairs with prizes to be won.

By all accounts, the program that held the most fun for the children was the Wednesday  swim at the Labeyi  river. You never saw a group of more excited children as they changed into their bathing suits!! The girls went first, while the boys would hold a soccer bout. Upon the girls ‘return, the boys would follow to the river.

The last two days, the children spent some time in making their Graduation hats and rehearsing. Boys and girls were challenged to prepare and perform their own skits.

Graduation Day was on Friday, August 2nd. The children came in their Sunday clothes, and parents followed, also riding the bus. There was a display of the children’s work as the participants performed songs, poems, dances, jokes and comedy skits. The children stepped up to receive their Certificate of Attendance, and also gifts of backpacks with school supplies as well as water bottles.

Guests included Mr. Edwin Emile, Mayor of the town of Port-a-Piment, and Mr. Edu Jean-Marie, Vice-President of KPP, Inc. in Florida. They both addressed the audience and congratulated the children.  Mrs. Hyppolite spoke on behalf of the parents, to express their appreciation for this activity that will continue to stimulate the children to do their best in school.

A simple lunch of sandwiches and punch was served to the delight of all. This marked the end of a 2 week journey of Happiness and Togetherness that will be treasured by children and monitors alike.

Konbit Pou Potapiman is proud to have initiated and organized this 2nd Annual Summer Camp which benefits the town’s children.

Our appreciation goes to all the children, parents, educators, KPP members for their work and participation.

A special Thank You to:

Food for the PoorHaiti and to Mrs Doris Aarestrup Izmery for the gifts of food.

JGR Copa, LLC of Hollywood, Florida for its monetary contribution

Mgr Jeen Zaché Duracin , to Mrs. Marie-Thérèse Boulos, to Mr. Edouard Laurole   and to all who sent in their contribution.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc of SBAC for the donation of book bags, id bracelets and school supplies.

Our Special Recognition goes to Mrs. Danie Lubin Paule-Edline Orcel Roselene Gentil, Carolle Paul and Nicole Jean for having organized this endeavor. KPP and the residents of Port-a-Piment will forever be grateful.

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One thought on “The KPP Summer Camp 2013, a Stimulating Initiative.

  1. Let me start by saying it is a privilege for me to be a member of KPP; however, I have to confess that there are others who have given and done so much more than I could ever have. KPP is a wonderful organization; the president and the members go above and beyond to keep the mission promises to our town Port-A-Piment (P-A-P) and to the children. I have always wanted to join an organization in my country, but I wanted to part of an organization that can be trusted just like KPP. As I was expressing my desires to my brother Maxo Jameau, he told me to join KPP, and also enlighten me of all those good work that the staff was doing in P-A-P. I was enthralled when my request was accepted by the president to be a member, and here I’m with not much to offer, just want to have my hand in the pan. I admire KPP’s passion in creativity to help those children carrying on our culture to future generation. There have been so many discouraging events that contribute to the lost of admiration for our culture and the love for our country, and KPP is working very hard to show the children of P-A-P that Haiti will prevail despite of all intricacy; most importantly, loving Haiti once again is loving ourselves.

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