KPP-Goats and Sheep Project update

June 09, 2015- The KPP-Haiti Breeding of small ruminants project is on going. With the funding received from One World Group Oxted of UK, 20 families in two poverty-stricken villages of Dupin and Pinette of the commune of Port-a-Piment have been given the opportunity to own goats or sheep. Indeed, each of the families received 2 goats or sheep according to their choice. The animals were screened, bought, vaccinated and distributed to these families by the KPP-Haiti project coordinators.

This project is based on a “Receive and Give” concept: For every animal received, the beneficiary will give back one (1) offspring of the same age which must be in good condition. The animal will be given to the qualified next in line recipient. This process will ensure sustainability and replication of the project to other villages.

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