Nouvelles en bref.

30 Septembre 2012.- Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais

Produits Gourde US Dollar* Gourde US Dollar*
Date 26/09/12 09/26/12 26/08/12 08/26/12
1 Marmite de Riz 156.00  3.90 144.00 3.60
1 Marmite de Mais   60.00  1.50 60.00 1.50
1 Marmite de Blé 85.00  2.12 84.00 2.10
1 Marmite de Petit Mil 120.00  3.00 120.00 3.00
1 Marmite de Pois 225.00  5.62 240.00 6.00
1 Marmite de Pistache 75.00  1.87 75.00 1.87
1 Marmite de Farine  84.00  2.10 84.00 2.10
1 Marmite de Sucre 156.00  3.90 180.00 4.50
1 Marmite de Sel de cuisine  35.00  0.87 35.00 0.87
1 Gallon d’Huile  325.00  8.12 325.00 8.12
1 POT de Café (en paille) 175.00  4.37 175.00 4.37
1 Livre de  Poisson 100.00  2.50 100.00 2.50
1 Livre de Viande 100.00  2.50 100.00 2.50
1 Sac de Charbon 150.00  3.75 150.00 3.75
1 Gallon Kérosène 210.00  5.25  210.00 5.25

*$1.00 US= 40.00 Gourdes

2012 KPP-AMH Health Fair in the Southwest of Haiti

The 2012 KPP Inc Health Fair, held in collaboration with AMH (Association des Médecins Haitiens) was a huge success. The fair was well attended. More than 540 patients received free blood pressure screening, consultations and medicines. This year’s program was specifically designed to provide the patients an opportunity to learn about their health and environment so that they can improve their lives.

As scheduled, the event took place in Port-a-Piment on July 16th  and 17th, in Chardonnières on July 18th and in Roche –à-Bâteau on July 19th 2012. The team of AMH’s physicians, led by Dr Eddy Jean-Baptiste, included Dr Schubert Lamothe, Dr Levelt Jean, Dr Rubency Charles and Dr Jerry Dorleans.

In Port-a-Piment, the fair was held at the local hospital. 306 patients attended the event  The  AMH physicians, joined by 2 resident doctors, 5 nurses, 2 pharmacists and 12 volunteers pulled together to offer their services. Dr Eddy Jean Baptiste, Dr Levelt Jean and other health professionals provided information on health issues such as diabetes, blood pressure, malaria, cholera and other infectious diseases.  We were pleased to witness the high level of interest from the patients and also their participation. Question and answer sessions were held and prizes were given out. Every patient seen received free chlorine tablets along with sound explanation on their intended use. The chlorine tablets were donated by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc South Broward Fort  Lauderdale chapter.  All prescribed medicines were either bought by KPP or donated to AMH for our brothers and sisters. We are grateful to all the donors and thank them for their generous support. We recognize: the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population, Pharmatric and 4c Laboratory.

On July 18th 2012, the KPP Inc-AMH team took the trip to the local clinic (Dispensaire) in Chardonnieres. We were met by Sister Rose Marie Antoine, the clinic manager and Nadia Saintil, who coordinated the Health Fair event.  Nadia, who lives inBoston, contributed, with the help of some friends 300 dollars towards the purchase of medicines.  More than 150 patients received free counseling, blood pressure screening, consultation and medicines.  It was a great and satisfying event.

On July 19th 2012 as scheduled, the Health Fair event took place at the parochial school in Roche-a-Bateau. The KPP-AMH team arrived at 7:45 am. Many registered patients were already at the clinic waiting to be seen. Sister Clanie Hyppolite, the clinic manager, was a familiar face. She was one of the volunteers who came to Port-a-Piment to help at the hospital. The event was well organized with enough space to provide free guidance, blood pressure screening, consultation and medicines to more than 110 patients.

On behalf of the people of Port-a-Piment, Chardonnières and Roche-à-Bateau, KPP is pleased to thank the “Association des Medecins Haitiens”, specially: Dr. Ginette Riviere Lubin for her support and approbation of the program; Dr. Eddy Jean Baptiste, Dr. Levelt Jean, for their outstanding counseling sessions; Dr Shubert Lamothe, Dr Jerry Dorléans, Dr Rubency Charles for their tireless work during the 4 days. Our partnership proves once more that we can achieve great things.

Our sincere thanks go to the Hospital Medical Director, Dr Jean Richard Vital and Mr Shiller St Vil, the Hospital Administrator, for their hospitality and support, to Dr. Lynda Charles and Dr Bermude Guerrier for their professionalism and hard work; to Dr. Katiana Romelus who came from les Cayes to participate in the 4-day event.

KPP is also proud of the outstanding support it received from its members and supporters, specially: Danie Lubin, Renyse Wiliams, Carolle Paul, Nicole Jean, Yvrose Lazarre, Nadia Saintil, Roselaure Ducrepin, Mirlande Emile, Fresnel Point du Jour, Pauledline Orcel, Rosie Damas, Ceramieux, Jean Robert Isidore, Mme Dumesle, Mirlande Damas, Gisèle Anglade, Patrick Laurole, Therèse André, Sister Rose Marie Antoine Musac, Sister Clanie Hyppolite, and Eliovil Jean Baptiste.



Nouvelles en bref

*(Par M. Alguinaire Seide)

09-22-2012.- Port a Piment  ce matin, reçoit,  le championnat de football des U13 de la région (Sud 2) . Des jeunes venant des 7 communes de la région, repartis en deux poules, discutent cette compétition, à savoir: Port Salut, Roche-à- Bateau, Côteaux, Port-à-Piment, Chardonnières, Les Anglais et Tiburon.  Cette activité est patronnée par le Ministère des Sports et de la Jeunesse. Le mobile de ce championnat est de sélectionner les meilleurs joueurs de la région pour la compétition nationale.
*(M. Alguinaire Seide est un membre de KPP qui réside à Port-à-Piment).

Nouvelles en bref

(Par M. Aguilnaire Seide)

09-21-2012.- (Port-à-Piment). Pour la première fois, depuis la publication de la Constitution Haïtienne de 1987, un fils de Port-à-Piment a occupé le poste de Vice- délégué de l’arrondissement des Côteaux.  En effet, Mardi 18 septembre 2012, le citoyen Thierry THEODORE a prêté serment comme vice–Délégué d’arrondissement. Nous lui formulons nos vœux de réussite dans sa nouvelle fonction.