2014-KPP Election results

Here are the results for KPP’s election for 2014:
President:           Frantz Jean
Vice-President:   Edu S. Jean-Marie
Treasurer:           Carolle Paul
Secretary:           Carmelle Oriol
Gerald Sidney
Geto Dumesle
Colette St-Gerard
Serge Bellegarde
Claudel Moise
The results were announced at the annual meeting on Saturday, March 29, 2014.
Election Committee

Nouvelles en bref

07 mars 2014.-  Port-à-Piment: Les prix du petit mil, du mais et de la pistache  ont connu une baisse sensible sur le marché portapimentais. Cette baisse allant de 25% à 50.% est imputable principalement à l’abondance de l’offre. Par contre , les prix des produits tels le riz ,le blé et le café  sont à la hausse. Le prix du café a nettement grimpé passant de 120 gourdes le “pot” à 250 gourdes soit 108.3% . Prière de consulter le tableau ci-dessous.

Produits Gourde *US Dollar Gourde *US Dollar
Date 26/02/14 02/26/14 26/01/14 01/26/14
1 Marmite de Riz 150.00 3.45 130.00 2.99
1 Marmite de Mais 75.00 1.72 120.00 2.76
1 Marmite de Blé 150.00 3.45 120.00 2.76
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil 75.00 1.72 100.00 2.30
1Marmite de Pois 225.00 5.17 200.00 4.60
1 Marmite de Pistache 75.00 1.72 150.00 3.45
1 Marmite de Farine 84.00 1.93 84.00 1.93
1 Marmite de Sucre 120.00 2,76 120.00 2.76
1Marmite Sel de cuisine 25.00 0.57 35.00 0.80
1 Gallom d’Huile 325.00 7.47 350.00 8.04
1 P0t de Café (en paille) 250.00 5.75 120.00 2.76
1 Livre de Poisson 150.00 3.45 100.00 2.30
1 Livre de Viande 100.00 2.30 100.00 2.30
1 Sac de Charbon 250.00 5.75 250.00 5.75
1 Gallon de Kerozène 200.00 4.60 200.00 4.60
* $1.00=43.50HTGdes

Nouvelles en bref


21 février 2014.- Un nouvel Administrateur a été installé hier après-midi à l’hopital de Port-à-Piment. La cérémonie d’installation a été faite en présence des autorités locales et le personnel de l’hopital.  Nous nous rejouissons  du choix de Mr. Jean Robert Isidor et nous lui souhaitons une très fructueuse administration.

Nouvelles en bref

Haiti Electric Cooperative Holds Inaugural Meeting and Board Election
COTEAUX, Haiti, Feb. 11 — The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association issued the following news release: On Sunday, Feb. 9, the Cooperative Electrique de l’Arrondissement des Coteaux (CEAC) convened 372 members for the co-op’s inaugural general meeting. At the meeting, the members approved a constitution and by-laws and elected a Board of Directors and Monitoring Committee. The project to create a not-for-profit, member-owned cooperative in rural Haiti is administered by NRECA International with $2.18 million in funds from the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), provided by the government of Norway, and $530,000 from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

The new cooperative is seeking to provide member-owners in Roche-a-Bateau, Coteaux and Port-a-Piment on the southern coast of Haiti with affordable, reliable power. Haiti’s Minister of Energy Security, representatives from the Conseil National des Cooperatives (CNC) and local officials also attended the meeting.

The co-ops will interconnect the towns of Roche-à-Bateau, Coteaux, Damassin and Port-à- Piment, erecting or upgrading 28 km of LV lines and 26 km of MV lines. NRECA International is assisting the installation of a solar-diesel hybrid system with two 200 kW diesel generators and over 100kW from solar with partner organization SELF (Solar Electric Light Fund).

The co-op currently has 580 members and funds sufficient to provide service to 1600 consumers. The design has been completed; procurement and delivery of materials to the island is underway. The cooperative is currently pursuing registration with the Conseil National des Cooperatives (CNC).

NRECA International projects and programs have created more than 250 successful rural electric enterprises in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Yemen. The rural electric cooperatives that NRECA has formed and supported now serve more than 110 million rural beneficiaries in more than 40 countries.

(Source:Targeted News Service Via Acquire Media NewsEdge)