Port-a-Piment potable water source project

( source:http://blogs.cuit.columbia.edu/haitienvironment/port-a-piment-potable-water-source-project/)

Port-a-Piment is located in the Sud Department of Haiti and has a population of 6,000. During Hurricane Sandy – which swept over the Caribbean in October 2012 – the water supply system for the city sustained extensive damages.  The original water supply network consisted of water from a mountain reservoir which was piped for 8 to 10 miles to the city’s municipal distribution system which then provided water to individual households connected to the system. This system provided water to 400 clients and had a reservoir capacity of 179 m3. Since the pipes transporting water from the reservoir to the distribution system were destroyed during the hurricane, the city has not had a source of clean and reliable water for over one year.

Labeyi Water Source

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe water reservoir in the town of Labeyi (pictured in photo to the left) has been identified as a potential source to replace the damaged water supply system for Port-a-Piment. This reservoir is located much closer to the city than the previous mountain reservoir, thus there would be less losses associated with piping the water to the main distribution network. The water is also believed to be replenished from a groundwater reservoir, which through natural filtration and little nearby human activity could make it acceptable for domestic and potable uses.

CU Hydrology is working with Konbit Pou Potapiman (KPP) to assess the feasibility of the Labeyi water source for providing water to the town of Port-a-Piment.


Nouvelles en bref

05 april 2014.-  Port-à-Piment: Les prix des produits n’ont pas varié durant le mois de mars à l’exception du pois dont la marmite est passée de 225 à 250 gourdes. Prière de consulter le tableau ci-dessous.

Produits Gourde *US Dollar Gourde *US Dollar
Date 26/03/14 03/26/14 26/02/14 02/26/14
1 Marmite de Riz 150.00 3.45 150.00 3.45
1 Marmite de Mais 75.00 1.72 75.00 1.72
1 Marmite de Blé 150.00 3.45 150.00 3.45
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil 75.00 1.72 75.00 1.72
1Marmite de Pois 250.00 5.75 225.00 5.17
1 Marmite de Pistache 75.00 1.72 75.00 1.72
1 Marmite de Farine 84.00 1.93 84.00 1.93
1 Marmite de Sucre 120.00 2,76 120.00 2.76
1Marmite Sel de cuisine 25.00 0.57 25.00 0.57
1 Gallom d’Huile 325.00 7.47 325.00 7.47
1 P0t de Café (en paille) 250.00 5.75 250.00 5.75
1 Livre de Poisson 150.00 3.45 150.00 3.45
1 Livre de Viande 100.00 2.30 100.00 2.30
1 Sac de Charbon 250.00 5.75 250.00 5.75
1 Gallon de Kerozène 200.00 4.60 200.00 4.60
* $1.00=43.50HTGdes

Identification et localisation des points d’eau de la commune de Port-à-Piment du Sud, Haiti

 L’inventaire des ressources réalisé par l’IHSI en 2005 fait mention de 20 points d’eau dans la commune de Port-à-Piment répartis en huit (8) rivières, quatre (4) sources, deux (2) étangs et six (6) lagons.  L’ensemble des points d’eau identifiés apparaît dans le tableau ci-dessous.


Type de points d’eau







Rivière de Port-à-Piment Ville de Port-à-Piment/Grand-Passe
Mahotière 2ème Section Balais
Mapou 2ème Section Balais
Mme Anneau 2ème Section Balais
Nan Polyte 1ère Section Paricot, Guillaume
Boîte-droite 1ère Section Paricot
Rivière de Sarradasse 1ère Section Paricot, Sarradasse
Nan Pitit 1ère Section Paricot, Pinette



Mme Anneau 2ème Section Balais
Nan Fermé 1ère Section Paricot, Dallier
Carocsie 1ère Section Paricot, Pinette
Nan Sentier 1ère Section Paricot, Sentier


Pernelé 1ère Section Paricot, Pernelé
Grand l’Étang 1ère Section Paricot, l’Étang




Ka Telmas 2ème Section Balais, Telmas
Lagon de Sarradasse 1ère Section Paricot, Sarradasse
Lagon de Ferme 1ère Section Paricot, Dallier
Lagon de Deboullags 1ère Section Paricot, Sentiment
Lagon de Ka Merotte 1ère Section Paricot, Ka Merotte
Grand l’Étang 1ère Section Paricot, Pernelé
Source:HSI,Inventaire des ressources et des potentialités d’Haïti(2005)              et La Mairie de Port-à-Piment