KPP presents the 2014 Eric Belfort Excellence Awards to 7 Students

June 15th, 2014. – Konbit Pou Potapiman held its annual Excellence Awards program to honor and recognize 7 top students who achieved high academic scores in the classroom.

The ceremony which took place June 15th, in Port-a-Piment at the Notre-Dame du Rosaire Church, was conducted by the KPP local representative Mr. Francois Frazil.

Mr. Frazil highlighted the importance of this activity in the community. He congratulated the students for their dedication toward excellence and urged them to maintain the course.

All of the students being honored were nominated by their school administrators. During the ceremony, each of the students accompanied by their parents received the Eric Belfort Excellence Award certificates as well as a monetary reward that will help parents defray the cost of the next academic school year.

In addition to the awards presentation, the program featured a thank you remark by the Eric Belfort Excellence Award recipient, Christelle Simon from College Stella Maris.

The recipients of the awards are as follows:

1– Wesline Guerrier           –    Ecole Fondamentale d’Application

2- Jaresson Jean-Charles  –  Ecole Fondamentale d’Application

3- Charline Jean-Baptiste –   Ecole Fondamentale d’Application

4- Magda Brezeault           –    Ecole Notre-Dame du Rosaire

5- Cherlie Ibas                   –     Ecole nationale de Figuiers

7- Christelle Simon           –     College Stella Maris

This program was made possible through the donation of a family member of the late Eric Belfort to honor his life and accomplishments. M. Eric Belfort was a long time resident of Port-a-Piment. The funds were matched by the Merrill Lynch/Bank of America through their Matching gift program.

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc thanks the donor as well as the Merrill Lynch/Bank of America for making this program a successful initiative. We also thank the KPP local representatives, M. François Frazil and Mrs. Roselène Gentil as well as the parents, students and the local school officials for their involvement and participation.

Please click on this link for some pictures of our honorees:


Nouvelles en bref

03 juin 2014.- Les prix des produits sont relativement stables sur le maché portapimentais à l’exception du pois qui a connu une baisse de 22.22%. **Prière de noter que le dollar américain est équivalent à 45,20 Gourdes.

Produits Gourde **US Dollar Gourde *US Dollar
Date 26/05/14 05/26/14 26/04/14 04/26/14
1 Marmite de Riz 150.00 3.32 150.00 3.45
1 Marmite de Mais 80.00 1.77 75.00 1.72
1 Marmite de Blé 150.00 3.32 150.00 3.45
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil 80.00 1.77 75.00 1.72
1Marmite de Pois 175.00 3.87 225.00 5.17
1 Marmite de Pistache 75.00 1.66 75.00 1.72
1 Marmite de Farine 84.00 1.86 84.00 1.93
1 Marmite de Sucre 120.00 2.65 120.00 2.76
1Marmite Sel de cuisine 25.00 0.55 25.00 0.57
1 Gallom d’Huile 325.00 7.19 325.00 7.47
1 P0t de Café (en paille) 250.00 5.53 250.00 5.75
1 Livre de Poisson 150.00 3.32 150.00 3.45
1 Livre de Viande 100.00 2.21 100.00 2.30
1 Sac de Charbon 250.00 5.53 250.00 5.75
1 Gallon de Kerozène 200.00 4.42 200.00 4.60
* $1.00=43.50HTGdes **$1.00=45.20HTGdes

Nouvelles en bref

26 mai 2014.- Une vieille maison située en face de la piste de danse à la rue 7 février s’est effrondrée hier après-midi à Port-à-Piment . Fort heureusement aucune perte en vie humaine n’a été enregistrée.

Photo : Phedo Lubin
Photo : Phedo Lubin
Photo: Phedo Lubin
Photo: Phedo Lubin



Dr Charles Sinady Teacher Awards.

On Saturday May 17th, 2014, students, directors and teachers from different local schools of the county of Port-a-Piment were at the rendezvous at the EFACAP to celebrate the Teachers Day.

The Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc. (KPP) representative, Mrs. Pauledeline Orcel accompanied by the local KPP members participated to present the KPP Dr Charles Sinady Award of Excellence to 4 distinguished teachers.

The KPP Teachers Awards is a new program designed to   encourage excellence in classroom teaching. It aims at recognizing outstanding teachers whose leadership, discipline , performance , dedication and behavior inspire a love for teaching as well as a love of learning in students.

This program was made possible thanks to a donation made by Dr Yolene Sinady of Boca Raton, Florida. The awards were named after her late Husband, Dr Charles Sinady, a native of Port-a-Piment.

The winners were chosen by the directors of their respective  schools and they were:

Mr. Lindor André, 6th Grade Teacher of Ecole EFACAP de Port-a-Piment;

Mr. Jean Charles Elisée, 5th Grade Teacher of Ecole Nationale de Guillaume;

 Mr. Lucner Charles, 6th Grade Teacher of Ecole Nationale de Figuiers

Mrs. Germine Francois Damas , 6th Grade Teacher of Ecole Notre Dame du Rosaire.

Each recipient of the KPP Charles Sinady Award of Excellence received a certificate and a cash prize equivalent to 4500 Haitian Gourdes.

The KPP Board of Directors thanks Dr Yolene Sinady for her support and generosity toward the people of Port-a-Piment.

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