Nouvelles en bref

02 octobre 2015.– Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais.

Produits Gourde ***US Dollar Gourde   US Dollar
Date 26/09/15 09/26/15 26/08/15 08/26/15
1 Marmite de Riz 180.00  3.45 180.00 3.50
1 Marmite de Mais 120.00 2.30 130.00 2.52
1 Marmite de Blé  150.00  2.88 150.00 2.91
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil  120.00 2.30 120.00 2.33
1 Marmite de Pois 300.00 5.75 420.00 8.15
1 Marmite de Pistache 150.00 2.88 160.00 3.11
1 Marmite de Farine 100.00 1.92  120.00 2.33
1 Marmite de Sucre 120.00 2.30 150.00 2.91
1Marmite Sel de cuisine   35.00 0.67  25.00 0.48
1 Gallom d’Huile 335.00  6.42 335.00 6.50
1 Pot de Café (en paille) 200.00  3.84 300.00 5.82
1 Livre de Poisson  150.00  2.88 150.00 2.91
1 Livre de Viande  100.00 1.92 100.00 1.94
1 Sac de Charbon 200.00  3.84 200.00 3.88
1 Gallon de Kerozène  195.00  3.74 195.00 3.79
1 Sac de Ciment  440.00  8.44  425.00 8.25

*** $1.00 US=52.14Gourdes HT ( Septembre 2015)

Nouvelles en bref

31 août 2015.- Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais.

Produits Gourde ***US Dollar Gourde   US Dollar
Date 26/08/15 08/26/15 26/07/15 07/26/15
1 Marmite de Riz 180.00  3.50 180.00 3.24
1 Marmite de Mais 130.00  2.52 120.00 2.16
1 Marmite de Blé  150.00  2.91 150.00 2.70
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil  120.00  2.33 120.00 2.16
1 Marmite de Pois 420.00  8.15 360.00 6.47
1 Marmite de Pistache 160.00  3.11 160.00 2.88
1 Marmite de Farine 120.00  2.33  120.00 2.16
1 Marmite de Sucre 150.00  2.91 150.00 2.70
1Marmite Sel de cuisine    25.00  0.48  25.00 0.45
1 Gallom d’Huile 335.00  6.50 335.00 6.02
1 Pot de Café (en paille) 300.00  5.82 350.00 6.29
1 Livre de Poisson  150.00  2.91 150.00 2.70
1 Livre de Viande  100.00  1.94 100.00 1.80
1 Sac de Charbon 200.00  3.88 200.00 3.60
1 Gallon de Kerozène  195.00  3.79 195.00 3.51
1 Sac de Ciment  425.00  8.25  400.00 7.19

*** $1.00 US=51.50 Gourdes HT ( 26 Août 2015)

Life Achievement Awards. A first for KPP and the town of Port-a-Piment.


It is easily recognized that the quality of life in Port-a-Piment would have been diminished if it were not for a few individuals who devoted their lives to the betterment of the community.

Armed with a grant from Dr Serge St Gerard of  West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, the KPP Haiti members elected to recognize the “doyens” of the community in the field of Education; these individuals who have molded generations of sons and daughters of Port-a-Piment through their hard work and perseverance.

On July 19th 2015, Konbit Pou Potapiman (K P P) honored four such distinguished individuals.

The Award ceremony was held at the Notre Dame du Rosaire Church. It was also the closing day of the Fete des Retrouvailles organized by Agronomist Yvette Marsan of Groupe Intiative Pour un Port-a-Piment Nouveau (GIPPN)

For the occasion, the church had been brilliantly decorated by GIPPN in yellow and white. The traditional mass was celebrated with many people in attendance from different parts of the country as well as from abroad. It was at the end of the religious ceremony that time was especially allocated to present the ANNE MULLER ST GERARD Certificates of Recognition

KPP’s-Haiti General Secretary, Mrs.Pauledline Orcel thanked everyone for their presence in celebrating the achievements of the distinguished recipients. She highlighted the importance of excellent service for the community as well as leading by example to motivate and enhance the quality of education in the country. She reminded the audience that teachers are important in the fight to give our children the opportunity to have a decent life.  She congratulated the recipients for their long commitment and devotion in educating many generations. She went on to give a brief summary of KPP’s work in the educational field.  Mrs. Orcel then invited Mr. Frantz J Jean, KPP President to the podium.

It was a great occasion for him to salute and congratulate Ms. Elvire Damas, with 41 years of service in Education;  Ms Therese Auguste with 47 years; Ms. Paulette Romelus with 42 years and Mr. Nerva Pascal with 37 years, .for their long career in teaching. In his speech, Mr. Jean educated the audience about Mrs. Anne Muller St Gerard and why the awards were named after her.

Born in Anse-a-Foleur, Mrs St Gerard was a mother of four and an educator who made her career as a teacher, and school director, in Borgne, Cap-Haitien, and later in Port-au-Prince. Her son, Dr Serge St Gerard, recalls his mom as a devoted person who sacrificed herself to provide for her family and also upheld her career at a high level of commitment and love. The Anne Muller St Gerard Recognition Certificate was made possible by her son, Dr Serge St Gerard, to honor his mom’s life and to commemorate her enthusiasm for community service and devotion to teaching.

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc. believed that the best way to honor Mrs. Anne Muller St Gerard was to recognize those professionals whose sacrifices and love for teaching impacted many generations.  (-Frantz J Jean‘s speech)

Following Mr Jean, Ms Elvire Damas walked to the podium to thank Dr. St Gerard, KPP and the GIPPN for all they do for the betterment of Port-a-Piment. She spoke in the name of all the award recipients and conveyed their happiness and gratitude for this recognition. Following the mass, a small and elegant reception was held at the Centre Esther Blondin for the award recipients and their immediate families.

Once more, may we present our Congratulations to the Award recipients, and our sincere Thanks to Dr. Serge St Gerard.

Our thanks and kudos also go to Mrs Pauledline Orcel and the members of KPP Haiti for a job well done.