The school system in Port-a-Piment comprises a number of facilities. We note:
At the Elementary level : Jardin Vert, Mixed Tabernacle, Ecole Nationale de Figuiers, Ecole Fondamentale d’Application (EFA), Notre Dame du Rosaire, Ecole Baptiste
At the Secondary level : College Stella Maris, Lycee de Port-a-Piment, Ecole Baptiste, College Woody Damas
Trade Schools : Ecole Professionnelle de Grand Passe (CSCSH), Centre Esther Blondin
AS Hurricane Matthew was announced, some of the schools were designated as shelters. Residents took refuge at the Lycee de Port-a-Piment, College Stella Maris, Ecole Nationale de Figuiers, the EFA.
From our associate in Port-a-Piment we learned that :
Ecole Mixte Tabernacle has lost its roof. Tarps have been put in place, and the school plans to reopen on November 7th.
Jardin Vert is destroyed.
College Woody Damas has lost part of its surrounding wall. It is still being used as a shelter.
Ecole Baptiste has had some preliminary repairs. The classes of “9eme Annee Fondamentale” and of “Philo” have resumed, but without a functioning canteen. All classes are slated to reopen on November 7th.
EFA has lost most of its roof, and is still being used as a shelter. Repairs are being done. College Stella Maris: The surrounding wall is down. It is slated to reopen on November 7th.
Ecole Notre Dame du Rosaire has sustained extreme damage.
Ecole Nationale de Figuiers. Only the Director’s office and 3 classrooms still have a roof. These rooms are being used as shelters.
Lycee de Port-a-Piment is being used as a shelter.
Ecole Professionelle de Grand Pass has significant damage. The surrounding wall is down.

All the small villages of the commune report that the schools have been completely destroyed. At the Ecole Nationale de Dolian, Ecole Nationale de Potus, Ecole Nationale de Guillaume, only the walls are left standing.
It is our hope that in the next few weeks, life in the school system will return to a near normal.
Konbit Pou Potapiman will provide a stipend to the parents of the students enrolled in the KPP Sponsorship Program to help defray the cost of replacing school supplies.