Nouvelles en bref

16 novembre 2016.– Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais.

Produits Gourde ***US Dollar Gourde   US Dollar
Date 16/11/16 11/16/16 26/08/16 08/26/16
1 Marmite de Riz 180.00 2.70 180.00 2.77
1 Marmite de Mais   84.00 1.26   84.00 1.29
1 Marmite de Blé  180.00 2.70 180.00 2.77
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil  120.00 1.80 120.00 1.85
1 Marmite de Pois  300.00 4.50 300.00 4.63
1 Marmite de Pistache  250.00 3.75 250.00 3.85
1 Marmite de Farine  120.00 1.80 120.00 1.85
1 Marmite de Sucre  240.00 3.60 240.00 3.70
1Marmite Sel de cuisine    50.00 0.75   30.00 0.46
1 Gallom d’Huile  375.00 5.63 350.00 5.40
1 Pot de Café (en paille)  225.00 3.37 250.00 3.85
1 Livre de Poisson  125.00 1.87 125.00 1.93
1 Livre de Viande  150.00 2.25 100.00 1.54
1 Sac de Charbon  200.00 3.00 300.00 4.63
1 Gallon de Kerozène  225.00 3.37 225.00 3.47
1 Sac de Ciment  525.00 7.88 535.00 8.25
*** 16/11/2016(Taux de Change) $1.00USD = 66.65HTG

A note on the State of the Schools in Port-a-Piment.

The school system in Port-a-Piment comprises a number of facilities. We note:

At the Elementary level : Jardin Vert, Mixed Tabernacle, Ecole Nationale de Figuiers, Ecole Fondamentale d’Application (EFA), Notre Dame du Rosaire, Ecole Baptiste

At the Secondary level : College Stella Maris, Lycee de Port-a-Piment, Ecole Baptiste, College Woody Damas

Trade Schools : Ecole Professionnelle de Grand Passe (CSCSH), Centre Esther Blondin

AS Hurricane Matthew was announced, some of the schools were designated as shelters. Residents took refuge at the Lycee de Port-a-Piment, College Stella Maris, Ecole Nationale de Figuiers, the EFA.

From our associate in Port-a-Piment we learned that :

Ecole Mixte Tabernacle has lost its roof. Tarps have been put in place, and the school plans to reopen on November 7th.

Jardin Vert is destroyed.

College Woody Damas has lost part of its surrounding wall. It is still being used as a shelter.

Ecole Baptiste has had some preliminary repairs. The classes of “9eme Annee Fondamentale” and of “Philo” have resumed, but without a functioning canteen. All classes are slated to reopen on November 7th.

EFA has lost most of its roof, and is still being used as a shelter. Repairs are being done. College Stella Maris: The surrounding wall is down. It is slated to reopen on November 7th.

Ecole Notre Dame du Rosaire has sustained extreme damage.

Ecole Nationale de Figuiers. Only the Director’s office and 3 classrooms still have a roof. These rooms are being used as shelters.

Lycee de Port-a-Piment is being used as a shelter.

Ecole Professionelle de Grand Pass has significant damage. The surrounding wall is down.

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All the small villages of the commune report that the schools have been completely destroyed. At the Ecole Nationale de Dolian, Ecole Nationale de Potus, Ecole Nationale de Guillaume, only the walls are left standing.

It is our hope that in the next few weeks, life in the school system will return to a near normal.

Konbit Pou Potapiman will provide a stipend to the parents of the students enrolled in the KPP Sponsorship Program to help defray the cost of replacing school supplies.

Nouvelles en bref

11-01-16– On Tuesday November 1st, 2016, a group of 25 university students visited Port-a-Piment in a show of solidarity with its residents. Port-a-Piment has been one of the hardest areas hit by the hurricane Matthew.

The students were led by Dr Ernst (Enso) Jean Joseph, Director of the State University Student Life Division.

Their mission was to deliver some hurricane relief supplies such as tarps, buckets to the residents and to perform preventive spraying for mosquito larvae throughout the town. They also took the opportunity to enjoy a 20 minute soccer exhibition game with the local soccer club which received some soccer balls.

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We congratulate Dr Enso for his leadership and love for our commune. Bravo Dr. Enso!


A KPP project: Cleaning up the town

11-02-2016.– “There is a great need to clear our environment from the debris left by the hurricane. This is a health hazard” said Mrs. Paule-Edeline Orcel, KPP representative in Port-a-Piment a few days after Hurricane Mathew devastated the southwest coast of Haiti.

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The consensus among the KPP members on the ground was to give top priority to a thorough cleaning of the town. This was approved by the Board of directors. KPP also obtained the approval of the town Mayor, Mr. Raymond Pierre Louis. And for the past two weeks, about 100 workers and supervisors, armed with tools purchased and provided by KPP were put to work to remove the trash and debris left by the storm. A team of 20 workers hired by the Mayor’s office were also at work at the center of the town. The task was enormous especially in the neighborhood of Figuiers.

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Today, the scars of destruction caused by Matthew remain very much visible. From left to right, scores of destroyed homes remind everyone that the town has yet to return to normalcy. However, the streets are no longer filled with the debris. The 21 streets of Port-a-Piment are free of the trash that was considered a health hazard for the citizens.

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On October 4th, Hurricane Matthew had struck hard at our town and desperation had set in the face of its citizens. KPP is proud to have put 100 people to work at a time when they needed most to earn a living with dignity.

KPP extends a warm Thank You to all who responded to our plea and efforts .We congratulate our members on the ground who did not waste time to assess the situation, set goals and get the work done.