Recognizing the need for seniors to engage in meaningful activities Mrs. Danie Lubin, a Massachusetts resident and a native of Port-a-Piment, inaugurated a recreational program (La Vi Pa Nou) last April 5th, 2017 in Port-a-Piment, Haiti. The program runs two days a week and offers opportunities for the elderly aged 65 and over to engage in meaningful activities to enhance their personal well being, challenge ageism and celebrate the wisdom and experience of age. If you have a loved one who is having trouble living independently, then consider looking for a senior living home, like this elder care in Rockville Centre, NY.
Danie is not new to this type of activities; last summer she held a summer camp for the elderly which was very successful. This year and especially after the devastating hurricane, Danie doubled her efforts to pay special attention to the seniors of her lovely town. More than 20 seniors are registered members of the program. They meet every Wednesday and Friday from 9 AM to 2 PM.

The program is run by Mrs. Joacine LouisJean . To meet the challenges ahead, Danie needs the cooperation and help of her fellow portapimentais and friends. She can be reached via email at
We wish Danie much success.