Remembering the KPP 2017 Annual Summer Camp.

The 2017 KPP Annual Summer Camp was held in Port-a-Piment for 2 weeks, from Monday July 10th through Friday July 21st.

Many challenges, mostly due to the ill effects of Hurricane Matthew had to be surmounted. For one, the locale used for the last 2 years was in the midst of an extensive renovation. Also, the buses used to ferry students on outings were not yet back in use. KPP stands grateful to the Sisters of St Anne, and particularly to Sister Yvelyne Fevrier, Director of the College Stella Maris, who agreed to the use of their facilities.

Recognizing the difficult moments encountered by the children in the wake of Matthew, KPP had set out to increase the number of participants and bring more Joy to the lives of the little ones. The 2017 Summer Camp counted 80 participants, or 20 more than the preceding year. As in the past, all participants were selected by their respective school administrators on the basis of academic excellence.

Under the guidance of Mrs. Paule Edline Orcel, Camp Director, the children enjoyed different activities throughout the day.


A typical day’s schedule would include:

Morning Prayer


Morning Talk

Breakfast of Porridge with Bread and Peanut Butter or Spaghetti and Herring

Welcoming a Guest Speaker

Activities, Individual or in Groups, including Songs, Poems, Puzzles, Arts and Crafts, Contests

Lunch of Sausages, Meatballs, “Legumes” or Fish with Rice or Cornmeal and Beans

Group activities and rehearsal of skits for the Graduation Ceremony.


During the Morning Talk, Mrs. Orcel and Mr. Frantz Jean,  KPP President,  discussed and reinforced the Camp’s themes which were –  for the first week:  How to be a Good Citizen, and  for the second week: Loving Nature and Protecting the Environment.

The Guest speakers included Mrs. Violette Jean , nurse at the local hospital, Mr. Phedeau Lubin, an environmental specialist; Father Cherfils, Pastor of the Church of Notre Dame du Rosaire, Officer   Paul Raymond of the Port-a-Piment Commisariat;  Mr. Abraham Gentil , Professor of Civics.

On Friday the 21st, the children, dressed in their Sunday best, and accompanied by their parents, participated in a graduation ceremony, where they recited poems, performed skits, songs and traditional dances. Mrs. Orcel, Mr.  Frantz Jean, and Mrs. Carolle Paul, Vice President  of KPP, Inc took turns to thank the parents for their trust, the children for their performance in school, and their stellar behavior at Camp. They reiterated the goals of Konbit Pou Potapiman which include promoting the value of Education and maximizing individual performance.

In turn, one parent, Mrs. Gina Regis expressed  the thanks of the community for these precious moments provided to the children of our beloved town.

Each child was awarded a Certificate of Attendance, and the gift of a school bag to prepare for the new academic year.

A modest reception of Punch and Sandwiches was enjoyed by all.

Konbit Pou Potapiman presents its sincere thanks to Mrs. Paule Edline Orcel, and her team of monitors,  kitchen and safety personnel, and general helpers who did a fantastic job of teaching life skills to the children in a relaxed and entertaining atmosphere, feeding them delicious meals and keeping them safe.

Thank you to our guest speakers who took the time to share their passion with the children.

Thank you to the special contributors to this project:  JGR COPA LLC of Hollywood Florida, Food for the Poor-Haiti-Mrs Doris A Izmery,  Mrs Marie-Therèse Boulos of Petracheve, Mr. Fenold Appolon,  Mr. Adeemir Dacenay. Your contributions were very much appreciated by the kids and staff.

Thank you to Dr Eileen Jerome, and The Links Incorporated (FL) Fort Lauderdale Chapter for the donation of school bags to the children of Port-a-Piment.

Thank you to Carolle Paul, Frantz and Nicole Jean for planning different aspects of the Summer Camp for the last 5 years.

And Thank You to each and every one who through a generous donation supported KPP in this activity. We at KPP, as well as the children of Port-a-Piment, will forever be grateful.. Please click on this link:


nouvelles en bref

Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais

Produits Gourde *US Dollar Gourde   US Dollar
Date 26/07/17 07/26/2017 26/06/17 06/26/2017
1 Marmite de Riz 150.00  2.41 150.00 2.34
1 Marmite de Mais 100.00  1.61 100.00 1.56
1 Marmite de Blé 175.00  2.82 175.00 2.73
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil 275.00  4.43 225.00 3.51
1 Marmite de Pois 360.00  5.80   360.00 5.62
1 Marmite de Pistache 300.00  4.83 275.00 4.30
1 Marmite de Farine 100.00  1.61 100.00 1.56
1 Marmite de Sucre 200.00  3.22 200.00 3.12
1Marmite Sel de cuisine   60.00  0.97   60.00 0.94
1 Gallom d’Huile 375.00  6.04      375.00 5.86
1 Pot de Café (en paille) 350.00  5.64    350.00 5.47
1 caisse de Hareng 2400.00 38.65 2300.00 35.94
1 Caisse de Spagetti 575.00  9.30 575.00 8.98
1 Sac de Charbon 200.00  3.22 300.00 3.12
1 Gallon de Kerozène (gaz blanc) 250.00  4.02 300.00 4.69
1 Sac de Ciment 450.00 7.25 450.00 7.03
1 Gallon de Gazoline 300.00 4.83 300.00 4.69
1 Caisse de Savon 450.00  7.25 450.00 7.03
*07/29/17(Taux de Change)

$1.00USD =


2017 Prix d’Excellence Eric Belfort

Konbit Pou Potapiman highly values student engagement and academic excellence . The key objectives of the end of the year awards are to promote academic excellence and to provide formal recognition of student stellar performance during the school year.

The 2016- 2017 school year is recognized as a very special one. It is the year when all the local schools were seriously damaged by Hurricane Matthew.  In spite of the great difficulties, the award nominees showed resilience, determination and discipline so as to obtain the highest scores in their respective schools.

On Sunday July 2nd , Konbit Pou Potapiman, presented the “” Prix d’Excellence Eric Belfort” to 7 students  of the commune of Port-a-Piment . On the occasion, a special mass was celebrated at the “Salle Paroissiale” of the Notre Dame du Rosaire Church. A large crowd was in attendance  among which were  school directors , teachers , students from various schools, parents and guests.

In her presentation, Mrs. Paule Edeline Orcel, the KPP representative, took the opportunity to thank those present and specially the parents for their courage and efforts. She also thanked the Eric Belfort family who consistently during the past 4 years has supported KPP in its efforts to promote the value of education,

The recipients of the Prix d’Excellence Eric Belfort are as follows.:

Name                                                               School                                           Grade

Magda Blanc                                                    College Stella Maris                      9ieme Année Fondamentale

Louis Roobens                                                 College Stella Maris                      9ième Année Fondamentale

Charline Jean-Baptiste                                     EFA                                               9ième Année Fondamentale

Charlie Ibas                                                      Evangelique Baptiste                    9ieme Annee Fondamentale

Vilpick Rosmain                                                Evangélique Baptiste                    9ième Année Fondamentale

Jean Menold Rendicho                                     Lycée de Port-a-Piment                Rhéto

Esto Gelin Hyppolite                                         Lycée de Port-a-Piment                Rhéto

Nouvelles en bref.

Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais

Produits Gourde *US Dollar Gourde   US Dollar
Date 29/06/17 06/29/2017 26/05/17 05/26/2017
1 Marmite de Riz 150.00  2.34 150.00 2.34
1 Marmite de Mais 100.00  1.56 120.00 1.87
1 Marmite de Blé 175.00  2.73 175.00 2.73
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil 225.00  3.51 250.00 3.91
1 Marmite de Pois 360.00  5.62  300.00 4.69
1 Marmite de Pistache 275.00  4.30 250.00 3.91
1 Marmite de Farine 100.00  1.56 100.00 1.56
1 Marmite de Sucre 200.00  3.12 200.00 3.12
1Marmite Sel de cuisine   60.00  0.94   60.00 0.94
1 Gallom d’Huile 375.00  5.86    400.00 6.25
1 Pot de Café (en paille) 350.00  5.47   300.00 4.69
1 caisse de Hareng 2300.00 35.94 2250.00 35.15
1 Caisse de Spagetti 575.00  8.98 575.00 8.98
1 Sac de Charbon 200.00  3.12 175.00 2.73
1 Gallon de Kerozène (gaz blanc) 300.00  4.69 250.00 3.91
1 Sac de Ciment 450.00 7.03 480.00 7.50
1 Gallon de Gazoline 300.00  4.69 250.00 3.91
1 Caisse de Savon 450.00  7.03 450.00 7.03
*06/30/17(Taux de Change)

$1.00USD =