News Update

Reviving the KPP Breeding of Small Ruminants Project

Thanks to a $1500.00 donation from the One World Group Oxted of London, the KPP-Haiti’s Breeding of Small Ruminants Project, which had been decimated by Hurricane Matthew, is being revived, this time in the village of Nanma.

Nanma is a small, poor village of the commune, about 2 hours walking distance from the town of Port-a-Piment. The KPP team in Haiti brought awareness of the desperate conditions that the residents of Nanma were lfacing after Matthew.


As done in the past, 10 families were chosen to become the beneficiaries of the project as owners of  2 female goats each. The project will follow the same principle of “Receive and Give” used previously in the villages of Dupin and Pinette. It is expected that these beneficiaries will in turn become the donors to other families in the village as the program extends its reach.


Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc expresses its gratitude to One World Group Oxted for allowing its sister organization, KPP-Haiti, the opportunity to continue this project.

Agricultural project update

The farmers in the villages of Jabouin and Pinette reported that despite the heavy rains of the last few months, their harvest of corn was relatively good. The farmers were able to sell their products and  reserve enough seeds for replanting.them.


In Jabouin, the farmers are grateful for the recent rains and milder temperatures. The fields of Pigeon Peas (Pwa Kongo) visited by the KPP monitor look promising. If the present weather pattern holds, the farmers expect to rake in a very good harvest by the end of January.

Again KPP thanks all contributors who responded to our call in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. Please continue to support KPP. Your contributions are making a difference in the lives of so many.


KPP’s Annual Fundraising Gala

Our Mission is to help develop the municipality of Port-à-Piment, a small town in Southwest Haiti.

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc promotes Civic, Social, Educational and Health programs that benefit the community.

Together we make a difference. 

We invite you to join us on December 2nd, 2017 at our Annual Fundraising Gala for a fun filled evening at the

Grand Palms Golf and Country Club

110 Grand Palms Dr

Pembroke Pines, FL 33027

 Donation: $75.OO per person. Please make your reservation by November 20th, 2017. For more information, please call us at 516-270-6144 or write us at :

    Your support makes a difference in our community. Please:


How KPP helped start the new School Year

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc is proud to list some of its accomplishments during the summer break: This work was realized through donations made by several individuals and in collaboration with the School Directors of the commune of Port-a-Piment.


1-At the College Stella Maris, a new sanitary facility composed of 4 modern toilets,urinals and sinks has been built for use by the students. KPP expresses its gratitude and thanks to  Mrs Nicole Jean , Mr Yves Sidney and Mr. Jean Maceres Romulus for their contributions.


 2-The school of EFACAP of Port A Piment was severely damaged during the passage of Hurricane Matthew. Its classrooms were left without doors,which poses a serious security risk. Also, classes have to terminate early on days of heavy rain.

         ( Before)

Repeated calls for help were made to the Department of Education as well as a NGO on the ground. The promises never materialized . From the 16 damaged classrooms, KPP has been able to install  6 new doors . This was made possible by the financial contributions of Dr Dominique A Jean of Los Angeles, CA and Dr Serge St Gerard of West Palm Beach, FL. Still more help is needed. KPP thanks these individuals for their understanding and financial contributions.



3-The scars of Hurricane Matthew are still visible in Port-a-Piment.  At the Ecole Notre-Dame du Rosaire, scores of students desks had been damaged and had rusted.

     ( Before)

All of the students desks have now been repaired and refurbished.

    ( After)

This was made possible thanks to a donation from Dr Yolene Sinady on behalf of her late Husband, Dr Charles Sinady, a native of Port-a-PIment.  Konbit Pou Potapiman expresses its sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr Sinady for her great support.


4- Hurricane Matthew had destroyed a building and some classrooms at the Ecole Notre Dame du Rosaire school. 2 hangars made out of tarp had been used as classrooms to accommodate the students during the last academic year. The tarp has been replaced by plywood to provide a more permanent setting, and improved room temperature in the classrooms.


This renovation was made possible by a donation from Circle de l’Amitié of New Jersey, At the opening of the school year students and teachers were pleased to find a more comfortable facility to conduct their activities. Konbit Pou Potapiman thanks the Circle de l’Amitié of New Jersey for their interest and support.

   ( After) 

The School Directors, Sister Jacqueline Jean-Gilles of the Ecole Notre-Dame du Rosaire, Mr Josue Paul of the EFACAP school, Sister Yveline Fevrier of the College Stella Maris, as well as the teachers and the students at the different facilities express their many thanks to all the individuals who have cared  to open their wallets for a good cause.

They have also thanked Konbit Pou Potapiman for its role as facilitator, and for overseeing the much needed work. 






Nouvelles en bref

Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais

Produits Gourde *US Dollar Gourde   US Dollar
Date 26/08/17 08/26/2017 26/07/17 07/26/2017
1 Marmite de Riz 150.00  2.41 150.00 2.41
1 Marmite de Mais 100.00 1.61 100.00 1.61
1 Marmite de Blé 175.00 2.82 175.00 2.82
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil 250.00  4.02 275.00 4.43
1 Marmite de Pois 300.00  4.83 360.00 5.80
1 Marmite de Pistache 300.00  4.83 300.00 4.83
1 Marmite de Farine 100.00  1.61 100.00 1.61
1 Marmite de Sucre 175.00  2.82 200.00 3.22
1Marmite Sel de cuisine   50.00  0.80   60.00 0.97
1 Gallom d’Huile 375.00  6.04 375.00 6.04
1 Pot de Café (en paille) 350.00  5.64 350.00 5.64
1 caisse de Hareng 2250.00 38.65 2400.00 38.65
1 Caisse de Spagetti 575.00  9.30 575.00 9.30
1 Sac de Charbon 250.00 4.02 200.00 3.22
1 Gallon de Kerozène (gaz blanc) 250.00 4.02 250.00 4.02
1 Sac de Ciment 450.00 7.25 450.00 7.25
1 Gallon de Gazoline 300.00 4.83 300.00 4.83
1 Caisse de Savon 450.00 7.25 450.00 7.25
*08/29/17(Taux de Change)

$1.00USD =