Update on the KPP Children Library in Port-a-Piment!

As you all know, the devastation of Hurricane Matthew did not spare the KPP Children Library in Port-a-Piment. The library was situated on the grounds of the school of EFACAP. This was a pleasant setting where the kids used to enjoy learning, have fun and also broaden their horizons. Matthew had severely damaged the building which had forced us to move the library into a temporary setting, a classroom in the school.
We were grateful that we had found the classroom to continue to operate, but we knew that it was only a temporary solution. This is why at the gala in December 2018, and on Facebook, we had shared our vision with everyone: Renovate the damaged building so the library can return to its original location. As of today, the work is about to be completed. The work is almost finished. And the kids are going to be in a comfortable location once again.

Although the building is ready, more needs to be done. We need tables, chairs, cabinets and more tablets to complete the project. Any financial assistance toward this project will be greatly appreciated.

On behalf of KPP and the kids of Port-a-Piment, we want to thank all the folks who contributed generously to make this project a reality. Together, and with your support, we are making a difference.


Happy Holidays!

2018 is ending on a good note! Together, we have been able to meet our goals. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the commune of Port-a-Piment , Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc expresses its gratitude for your trust and generosity. Please click on the link below for a recap of Activities in 2018:

We wish you an enjoyable Holiday Season in Peace and Love. Thank you for your continuous support!
