KPP School Garden -an update

By Yves Sidney

Last year around the month of February, KPP’s activities were hitting on all cylinders. And one of our exciting projects was the KPP School Garden (Jardin Scolaire). We had just received  funding for this project from the nonprofit organization, One World Group Oxted of London. Four (4) schools had been selected for the project: Ecole Nationale de Figuiers, EFA de Port-a-Piment, Ecole Nationale de Potus, and Ecole Notre Dame du Rosaire since they all had access to land not currently in use.

Then, Covid-19 struck; it brought the project to a screeching halt, except for the garden at Ecole Nationale de Potus. Seven (7) people at the school refused to accept defeat. They stepped forward and completed the project. (See article published on July 14, 2020 for more details).

When school reopened this year, the project began again with a mightier bang than last year. The same four (4) schools were selected with a total of 120 participants. To paraphrase a quotation from an unknown author, “when we thought Covid-19 was a setback, we were actually being re-directed to something better”. For the new year, we introduced a lead instructor. His role is to teach the children in a classroom setting the concepts needed to achieve the vision of the program.








The new vision is simple but profound. We want to teach the children from a young age to learn to work together, listen to each other, and to understand and appreciate the power of synergy of a group. We want them to understand that it is OK to have differing opinions, but differences must be discussed and resolved in a civil manner. We also want to teach them to avoid groupthink and work towards consensus when possible. And more importantly, learn to accept the decision of the group and work to implement it as if they had made it themselves.

These concepts cannot be taught in a short time and need to be constantly reinforced to become a habit. Habits that can be used every day and will shape them as future leaders of our community, the country, and the world.

In addition, the program aims to impact the lives of the children in the areas of Education, Economy, and Nutrition.

The method used to present the program is as follows:

Group sessions in a class setting presenting the theory which covers the concepts outlined above.

Group sessions discussing how to implement the project with opportunities for each member to express their opinion, come to a decision by majority but preferably by consensus.

Define the role of each member of the group.

Field work where each participant takes part in preparing, planting, watering, and the overall care of the garden.

Group sessions to discuss how the concepts are being applied and to include discussions of what went well and areas to improve.

And to head and implement the program, we selected Mr. Marc-Louis Simon  (lead Instructor) and Mr. Gayony Elie Germeil {Agronomist.) We also have the support of the principals of the schools, the teachers, and the parents of the children.








Based on reports we’ve received, the project is shaping up to make a positive impact. While the children are learning new concepts, valuable skills in agriculture and teamwork, they are also enjoying themselves. More importantly, they are developing the art of listening and how to work with each other even though they may not agree 100%. In addition, reports from the principals about the involvement of the children and their interaction with the leaders of the program have been very positive.

We are all excited about this program. We believe it will make a difference in shaping these children in becoming leaders for a brighter future. As the saying goes, “The youths are the hope of our future”.
















KPP’s Anniversary celebration in Port-a-Piment

On Sunday April 11th, 2021, the KPP members in Port-a-Piment celebrated the 10th year Anniversary of Konbit Pou Potapiman.  It was a celebration of pride and of accomplishments.

Under the leadership of the KPP General Secretary, Mrs. Paule-Edeline Orcel, members in Port a Piment organized a well appreciated set of activities to mark this special anniversary.  Accompanied by the local Fanfare, the many school children sponsored by KPP, parents and residents, walked from Avenue du Port to the Notre-Dame du Rosaire Church.  The church was filled to capacity and many others watched the live broadcast on Facebook, courtesy of  Phedo Lubin.



With fervent prayers and uplifting music by the church choir, all joined in a spirit of unity and of gratitude for the many blessings and successes that KPP has had for the past 10 years.  Reverend Priest Cherfils celebrated the thanksgiving mass.

Mrs. Paule Edeline Orcel took the opportunity to thank all members of KPP as well as the friends from abroad who throughout the years, supported our cause. She cited the various sustainable projects realized by KPP in the commune and spoke  of the ongoing programs, particularly those in the domain of Education. As the ceremony ended, the participants delighted in a parade by the young and energetic marching band. Residents from all corners of the town applauded the display of so many young talents while others, including KPP members, followed the musicians throughout the parade route.



A reception was held at the Salle Paroissiale for the parents and beneficiaries of  the KPP Sponsorship program, for the school directors, and other invitees. It was the occasion to reinforce the partnership between KPP and the residents of Port a Piment. Refreshments were served and the day ended on this very encouraging note.


















On behalf of the Board of Directors, we thank the KPP members in Port-a-Piment  for their hard work and motivation to  meet the goals of the organization, 



KPP’s 10th Year Anniversary

 Happy Anniversary KPP!

10 years ago, on March 11, 2011, our KPP was created. 10 years later, as we look back, a lot has happened in the world and in our beloved Port-a-Piment. We’ve experienced natural disasters after natural disasters up to today’s pandemic. Through it all, our work has continued.

When we initially started writing this article, our intention was to undertake an assessment of our accomplishments for the last 10 years. And also to share with you a video which chronicles our 10 years of existence. Then we realized, no words from us could match the video. As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. And in this case, we should say a video is worth a “trillion” words. As a result, we decided to let the video talk for us.

On behalf of the people of Port-a-Piment, the Board of Directors of KPP in Port-a-Piment and the US, thank you to all  for your generosity and trust.. Without your support, we would have been unable to achieve all that you made possible in the last 10 years.

Like the song says, “We’ve only just began!”

Hope you enjoy the video, “KPP’s 10th Year Anniversary”:  



Thank you!



Fresh and Clean Water in the village of Nan Koma


“Dlo se lavi!” Water is life! It was so gratifying to hear those words from a resident of Jabouin as Konbit Pou Potapiman inaugurated a well in that village in 2018.

These same words resonated with us when we received a request from the residents of Nan Koma, a small village of the commune of Chardonnières. for a well to be built in their area as well.  Nan Koma is located at 2.6 Km from the town of  Port-a-Piment, and has a population of approximately 400 residents.

Like in so many others villages in Haiti, Nan Koma residents had been struggling to gain access to clean and fresh water. The hard daily commute to the Labeyi river or to a spring in the mountains has had its toll on the residents and has contributed to the development of diseases such as Typhoid. The need for clean water was urgent.

With due diligence, KPP sought and obtained the authorization of the OREPA-Sud in Cayes ( the State Authority), as well as the approval of local authorities, to dig and construct a well. And work began on January 3rd, 2021.









“Dlo se lavi”. The residents of Nan Koma are now celebrating. Water is available to them for the first time, in their own village.

In a festive atmosphere, the residents gathered on Sunday, January 24th, 2021  to inaugurate the well. The joy to have access to clean and fresh water was evident and was expressed by many residents.

On behalf of the KPP Board of Directors, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of our contributors. A Special Recognition goes to Mr. Jean Robert Isidor of KPP-Haiti, and to Mr. Phedo Lubin for their leadership in getting the job done. Our thanks go as well to Ing. Philippe Eliscar, Director of OREPA-Sud for the approval, and to Mr Gilbert St-Dic for providing space for the new well.
