KPP water project in the village of Anba Dolian

Good news for the residents of Anba Dolian in the commune of Port-a-Piment. The availability of fresh water will soon be a reality.  With the financial assistance of One World Group Oxted, a London based non-profit organization, KPP- Haiti, is executing   the “Konbit Pou Potapiman water access project for the population of Anba Dolian” , Port-a-Piment, Haiti..

The availability of fresh water is a very serious problem that affects the quality of life of the people of Haiti in general. Women and children must walk great distances in search of water. This project consists of capturing water from a preexisting basin that was built to provide water to several communities. It entails the laying of pipes to channel the water from the mountain down to an area easily accessible to the residents of Anba Dolian. 

The project is entrusted to the engineering firm of Jean- Sibert Sidney for implementation. The expected results are:

  • Fresh water is available in Anba-Dolian.
  • Travel time to get to the water source is reduced.
  • Improved nutrition/hydration among  the beneficiaries.   

 On May 20th,, supplies (pipes, cement, shovels etc…} were purchased and transported to the village. Work has begun. It is to be noted that the residents of Anba Dolian are volunteering hours of work toward this project. We will keep you informed of our progress. On behalf of the residents of Anba Dolian and its surroundings, KPP thanks One World Group Oxted for its continuous support.



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