The idea of the Summer Camp was introduced by Danie Lubin, a school teacher inBoston, and also a member of KPP. KPP and Danie started working together to make it a reality and also what would be an excellent opportunity for the children of Port a Piment.
Since all the town children could not participate, we had to establish some criteria. Mrs. Roselène Gentil, KPP sponsorship program Director, was chosen to coordinate this task. The children would be from different schools, fifty children in total with an average of eight or above. The program would last two weeks, starting July 23rd and ending August 3rd 2012. Unfortunately, not all of the children could make it. Some of them went away on vacation, and so we ended up with thirty five children.
On Friday, July 20th, the Camp committee had a meeting to review the task ahead and ensure that everyone is fully aware of his/her responsibility..
The following Sunday we met with Saurel Descombes, the Director of the school where the camp was going to take place. We took a tour of the entire facility to make sure that everything was adequate for the safety of the children.
The big day finally came: July 23rd, 2012. The entire staff was present in the school yard waiting for the arrival of the children.
One by one they entered through the gate, dressed up like they were going to a party, smiling and ready.
They were greeted by Adam Jean, the person responsible for the security of the children. Each name was checked against a list provided by the coordinator. Each child was given a badge and was told to preciously guard it so they can return the next day. They were also told to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
The theme for the camp which was Politeness, Mutual Respect, Patience, Perseverance, Respect for the Environment was prepared by Danie Lubin. The other staff members who included Paul Edelyne Orcel, Eliovil Jean Baptiste, Beamie Noncant, Simone Potus, Joacyne Louis Jean, Nicole Jean, Frantz Jean, Carolle Paul were all instrumental in shaping the lives of these children. What an experience!
We don’t want to forget Jean Marc Auguste who provided the bread for breakfast, Inada Venite Claude and Rose Marie Victor who both prepared the food, Christophe Guerrier and Jean Louis Lami who made sure that we had potable water. Besmone Potus and Cherline Louis were also of great help.
The children were in amazement. After they met with the staff, they were told to form a line. Breakfast was ready to be served. First, everyone had to wash their hands. They took a seat at the table and waited to be served. They said grace and wished each other “bon appetit”. The same ritual was done for lunch. The children could not believe that they could eat to their hearts content.
When it came time for fun and activities the children were astounded at how much was available to them, such as soccer balls, art supplies and the likes.
We also had guest speakers. Jean St Vil , an historian, visiting from Ottawa; Phedeau Lubin a civil engineer, Yvette Marsan an agronomist, Lino Georges MD, Modin Sincyr the director of the school in Jabouin, Dr Rubency Charles a visiting physician, Rev. Yvon Vertu the pastor of the Baptist Church in Port a Piment. . They all came to share their experiences with the children. Telling them how important it is to live in a safe environment, the conservation of trees, how to safely dispose of plastic materials, the importance of cleanliness, how to avoid contracting diseases, lecturing them on the history of Haiti. Most importantly educating on how to become better citizens because they represent the future of Port a Piment and everyone is counting on them.
Of course all good things come to an end:. August 3rd, 2012, the day of graduation, all the children were accompanied by their parents. They were proudly wearing the caps that they had made in art class.
What a joy in the eyes of everyone. The children performed the songs they learned during the program to thank the staff and especially KPP and promised they will work hard so they can return next year.
We did it! Congratulations to the entire staff for their dedication and enthusiasm. We are going to miss all the kisses and the hugs from every child.
Carolle Paul
KPP would like to say a special Thank You to Food for the Poor-Haiti, Doris A Izmery, Danick A Verret, Renyse Williams , Saurel Descombes and Peggy Damas Rivera for their contributions.
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