Grand Opening of the KPP Children’s Library

On Saturday August 9th, Konbit Pou Potapiman proceeded to the inauguration of a Children’s Library, a first in the town of Port-a-Piment.

The staff of KPP had been working on this project for some time, and it is the fruit of many efforts, from numerous individuals, from Haiti and from abroad.

For some of us, it was the realization of a dream: to bring to the kids of Port-a-Piment a larger and improved vision of the world, and to help develop inquisitive minds.

The library is located in a section of the EFACAP School, but is open to all students of the commune. In preparation for the opening, the area was freshly painted. Chairs and tables had been ordered in vibrant colors, enough to accommodate 25 students at a time.

The library opened with a load of over 1000 books, mostly to the level of the very young. It also includes books for older children, a small Adult section, and a section of Reference books including a complete set of an Encyclopedia.

Management of the library has been trusted to Mr. Josue Paul and Mr. Gentil Abraham, both local educators in Port-a-Piment. When the school year starts, at the beginning of September, the library will be open 2 days a week.

The inauguration ceremony took place in a festive atmosphere. Over 60 adults and children responded to our invitation to first visit the library, and then participate in the ceremony, which included:

Cutting of the Ribbon by Mr. Frantz J Jean, president of Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc.

Invocation and Blessing of the Library by Father Gilbert Claude, Pastor at Notre Dame du Rosaire Church.

Speeches by Mrs. Pauledline Orcel, Inspector of Schools; Mr. Aguilnaire Seide, Director of the Lycee;  Mr. Phedo Lubin, local environmentalist; Mr. Gentil Abraham, professor,  and by Mr. Frantz J Jean.

The speakers discussed the importance of books in young people’s formation. They recalled their own experiences with reading, and they exhorted parents and teachers to help the young children take full advantage of the library.

Mrs. Carolle Paul and Nicole Jean reminded the audience of the contributions of many, from as far away as Switzerland, Belgium, Port-au-Prince, Miami and Canada, who donated and shipped the books, all for the benefit of the youth of Port-a-Piment.

A raffle was held, and 10 lucky young recipients each received a new copy of the book La Chenille. For many, it was their very first reading book.

It was all followed by a modest reception, enjoyed to the sound of music.

KPP transmits the appreciation of the youth of Port-a-Piment to all individuals and families who contributed to this effort

Our Special Thanks go to:

Mrs. Livie Magloire Louis

Jo, Joelle, Marie Paule, Nadine, Veronique

Mrs. Madeleine Oakes

Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Verret

Mr. Karl Fontaine

The N’Deurbelaou family.

Mr. Robert Orcel

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