Nouvelles en bref

August 29th, 2014.-Since Hurricane Sandy destroyed its water distribution system, Port-a-Piment has been left without water. This situation causes various health problems among its citizens. Konbit Pou Potapiman , in its quest to help find a solution, has partnered with Columbia University and the Engineers Without Borders of Netherland. Both organizations are working toward the aim of providing the precious liquid to the people of Port-a-Piment.  The Port-a-Piment Municipal Authorities and DINEPA ( Haiti State Water Authority) have already given the green light for the project.


FROM KIVI (Engineering Society): EWB-NL Project :

Feasibility study drinking water after Sandy – Port-a-Piment, Haïti
During Hurricane Sandy the water supply system for the city sustained extensive damages. The original water supply network consisted of water from a mountain reservoir which was piped for 8 to 10 miles to the city’s municipal distribution system which then provided water to individual households connected to the system. Since the pipes transporting water from the reservoir to the distribution system were destroyed during the hurricane, the city has not had a source of clean and reliable water for over one year.
More information can be found in the report “Preliminary Information Regarding the Labeyi Water Supply Source for Port-a-Piment” here >>
Contribution EWB-NL:
EWB-NL provides technical analysis, design work and training of future operators.
  1. Project conception and initiation
  2. Project definition and planning
  3. Project launch or execution
  4. Project performance and control
  5. Project close
First of all we’ll start with a technical analysis of the current situation. Then we’ll send a team to Haiti. The EWB-NL team will carry out a feasibility study that will focus on problem analysis, solution alternatives and local stakeholders.
Contact: Jasper Flapper
Last modified on 28 July 2014

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc delivers donated items -Summer 2014

Last August 5th 2014, members of the KPP visited the CDCSH ( Centre de Développement Sur la Cote SUD d’Haiti).  CDCSH is a local professional school that prepares students from different localities of South West Haiti to succeed in the field  of  Masonry, Electricity. Carpentry, Plumbing, Sewing etc..  During this visit, 4 boxes full of donated sewing supplies were delivered to Ms. Rose-Adege Louis, Director of the Sewing curriculum.

Ms. Rose-Adège assisted by a few students  thanked Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc. and Mrs. Livie Magloire Louis for their  interest and help in getting the supplies to CDCSH. The students were happy to see the various fabrics that would be at their disposal in the coming school year

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It was the opportunity for  Ms. Rose-Adège to display some of her students’ realizations with the supplies donated last year.

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KPP members were also surprised by a thank you song:

(Please note that all sewing supplies were donated by Mrs. Livie Magloire Louis of Brussels, Belgium.)


Grand Opening of the KPP Children’s Library

On Saturday August 9th, Konbit Pou Potapiman proceeded to the inauguration of a Children’s Library, a first in the town of Port-a-Piment.

The staff of KPP had been working on this project for some time, and it is the fruit of many efforts, from numerous individuals, from Haiti and from abroad.

For some of us, it was the realization of a dream: to bring to the kids of Port-a-Piment a larger and improved vision of the world, and to help develop inquisitive minds.

The library is located in a section of the EFACAP School, but is open to all students of the commune. In preparation for the opening, the area was freshly painted. Chairs and tables had been ordered in vibrant colors, enough to accommodate 25 students at a time.

The library opened with a load of over 1000 books, mostly to the level of the very young. It also includes books for older children, a small Adult section, and a section of Reference books including a complete set of an Encyclopedia.

Management of the library has been trusted to Mr. Josue Paul and Mr. Gentil Abraham, both local educators in Port-a-Piment. When the school year starts, at the beginning of September, the library will be open 2 days a week.

The inauguration ceremony took place in a festive atmosphere. Over 60 adults and children responded to our invitation to first visit the library, and then participate in the ceremony, which included:

Cutting of the Ribbon by Mr. Frantz J Jean, president of Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc.

Invocation and Blessing of the Library by Father Gilbert Claude, Pastor at Notre Dame du Rosaire Church.

Speeches by Mrs. Pauledline Orcel, Inspector of Schools; Mr. Aguilnaire Seide, Director of the Lycee;  Mr. Phedo Lubin, local environmentalist; Mr. Gentil Abraham, professor,  and by Mr. Frantz J Jean.

The speakers discussed the importance of books in young people’s formation. They recalled their own experiences with reading, and they exhorted parents and teachers to help the young children take full advantage of the library.

Mrs. Carolle Paul and Nicole Jean reminded the audience of the contributions of many, from as far away as Switzerland, Belgium, Port-au-Prince, Miami and Canada, who donated and shipped the books, all for the benefit of the youth of Port-a-Piment.

A raffle was held, and 10 lucky young recipients each received a new copy of the book La Chenille. For many, it was their very first reading book.

It was all followed by a modest reception, enjoyed to the sound of music.

KPP transmits the appreciation of the youth of Port-a-Piment to all individuals and families who contributed to this effort

Our Special Thanks go to:

Mrs. Livie Magloire Louis

Jo, Joelle, Marie Paule, Nadine, Veronique

Mrs. Madeleine Oakes

Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Verret

Mr. Karl Fontaine

The N’Deurbelaou family.

Mr. Robert Orcel

Please click on this link:

The 2014 KPP Summer Camp

On Saturday July 26th, 2014 the rendezvous was at Anbamango, Port-a-Piment. Monitors, lecturers, cooks, security personnel, volunteers from abroad and from Port-a-Piment responded present, and at 5PM the meeting started. On the agenda: the 2014 KPP Summer Camp activities that we were all engaged to manage. The summer camp program was reviewed and responsibilities assigned. Everyone knew and understood the task ahead: two weeks of hard and exciting work from July 28th to August 8th 2014.

The next Monday morning early, the “Diyite” bus, rented for the two 2 week period was already parked near the Notre Dame du Rosaire Church. The kids lined up eagerly, waiting for the monitor’s signal.  In their eyes, one could sense the excitement. The roll call started, and one by one they were helped onto the bus.  After ensuring that everyone was accounted for and properly seated, the bus driver proceeded toward the “Ecole Nationale de Figuiers”, the site of the 2014 KPP Summer Camp.

At the school, the security personnel and monitors were there to meet the kids and escort them to the reception room. It was time to meet each other. The president of KPP, Mr. Frantz J Jean (Mesye Milou), the Camp Coordinator, Mrs. Pauledeline Orcel and the monitors welcomed the kids and delivered a book bag as well as a colorful water bottle to each child. The book bags had been donated by our partner organization: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., South Broward Alumnae Chapter. Each child received an ID card that they were to keep on for the duration of the camp.

 It was the beginning of a wonderful ten days. The kids, led by Mrs. Orcel and accompanied by the monitors toured the facility. They were assigned by group to a monitor who would guide them throughout the two week camp.

Breakfast and lunch were provided daily to the delight of the participants. The classrooms and the recreation yard of the Ecole Nationale de Figuiers were filled with the laughter of the kids, who enjoyed themselves tremendously, playing soccer, learning songs, doing puzzles, reading, while others were doing art work or taking some basic sewing lessons.

The campers had the opportunity to engage in fun and educational activities. Each day, a new theme was developed. Lecturers came in to talk about the Environment, Personal Hygiene, Health, Nutrition, Safety, Civism, Geography and History. They learned about the causes of erosion and what one could do about it. They planted their own tree. Information about behavior in school, public places and at home was delivered. The kids learned about recycling and being a good citizen. Question and answer sessions were organized and rewards were given to the winners.

Activities included a weekly outing to the Labeyi River, on Wednesdays. Labeyi river is splendid, and unbelievably inviting to swim in and relax. The kids enjoyed it to the fullest. They sang and played, which reminded us about the old good times we had when we were young.  While the girls were singing in the water, the boys were playing soccer while waiting for their turn to dive in. The excitement and joy were at their peak. These were memorable moments. Two hours later, the bus would show up for the return trip to the camp. One by one, the kids got on the bus, happily singing: “Au bord de l’eau , un bal fut annoncé…. Helène tomba dans l’eau”.  This song resonated all the way from Labeyi to Figuiers!

Friday August 8th marked the end of the 2014 Summer Camp. The campers, accompanied by their parents, were greeted by the KPP Staff. Elegantly dressed, the kids put on a show of dances, songs and poems, to the delight of the audience. The campers wore the cap that they had made in art class. As the closing ceremony came to an end, the kids were called one by one to receive the KPP certificate of participation. A bag of toiletries donated by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., South Broward Alumnae Chapter had been reserved for each child. The campers also received light knapsacks and sunglasses.

KPP president, Mr. Frantz J Jean, in his speech thanked the parents for trusting KPP with their children. He expressed his gratitude to the staff that helped realize this exciting and successful summer camp.

On behalf of the board of directors, Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc would like to say a special Thank You to:

The Food for the Poor Inc (Haiti) for its donation of food

JRC Coppa LLC of Hollywood, FL for its monetary contribution

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., South Broward Alumnae Chapter

Akasan Inc for its monetary contribution

MrsDoris A. Izmery of Haiti for her extraordinary support

MrAdeemir Dacenay of Lake Mary, FL for gifts to the children

All the KPP members and supporters for their continuous support.

We also thank the 2014 KPP Summer Camp Staff who worked so hard to fulfill our dream of a great summer camp.

A special Thank You goes to Mr. Jacques Frazil, Director of the Ecole Nationale de Figuiers, as well as our volunteers Phedo Lubin, Violette Jean, Danie Lubin, Carolle Paul, Aguilnaire Seide and Nicole Jean.

Please click on this link: