KPP Agricultural Jabouin project

12-13-2016.-As part of KPP’s commitment to help the commune of Port-a-Piment face a scarcity of food in the coming months, we initiated the agricultural Jabouin Project. Jabouin is a small village located at approximately 2 hours walking distance from the town of Port-a-Piment. Jabouin is known for its wide range of fertile land. Hurricane Matthew of last October dealt a devastating blow to the agricultural life of the village and its inhabitants. Its 92 family homes were destroyed; all crops and animals were wiped out.

The project aims to avert or minimize the shortage of food that will happen if no action is taken..

In Jabouin, KPP representatives met a number of peasants/ land owners willing to work together to reconstruct their lives, their community and to contribute to the other communes in the area. Accompanied by an agricultural expert, KPP members held meetings with more than 60 peasants and land owners. The peasants expressed their concerns which mainly centered on the fact that their fields were destroyed and they now lack the means to start over. A decision was made to grow corn and beans.Using the Konbit concept where all will work a tract of land before moving to the next one; the peasants are now cleaning their fields (a total of about 10 acres of land) which soon will be ready for planting.


Seeds and fertilizer will be provided by KPP under the supervision of the local agronomist.  The peasants are hoping for a harvest in the next 4 to 5 months.

We thank each and everyone of you who contributed to make this project a reality. Please follow us online via  for more updates.

The KPP 2016 Annual Gala

12-07-16 .- Thank you to everyone who attended, sponsored and participated in the KPP Hurricane Relief Fundraising Gala which took place on Saturday December 3rd 2016 at The Grand Palms Hotel resort in Pembroke Pines, Florida. The event was by all accounts a success.

This year, this special event was in fact a gathering of many concerned friends of Haiti who came in a show of support to our beloved Port-a-Piment and the KPP humanitarian activities.

Carolle Paul, Vice-President /Treasurer of KPP opened the evening by greeting the guests, and presenting the Board members. She then introduced the president of KPP, Mr Frantz J Jean.

Frantz  also known as Milou thanked the numerous guests for their presence and acknowledged those ” who have been instrumental in making the evening a very special one”: Carolle Paul, Yves and Rasheda Sidney, Geto Dumesle, Jean Maceres Romulus, Shirly Auguste, Jean Marie Florestal, and of course his dear wife Nicole

From the start, Frantz told the audience that his message would focus on what KPP has done since the day Hurricane Matthew struck our motherland, more specifically the commune of Port-a-Piment. He gave a detailed account of KPP’s many accomplishments in the domains of Sanitation, Health, Education and Food security. Throughout his speech, pictures were displayed showing the realizations of KPP: street clearing activities, making potable water available, cleaning of schools, delivery of school supplies, transportation of donated medical supplies and land revitalization activities.

Frantz also noted the contributions of so many who responded positively to KPP‘s appeal. He announced that through different venues, KPP has collected over $20.000 for its hurricane relief activities.. He thanked each and every one for their generosity and trust.

At dinner time, two talented sons of Port-a-Piment, Jean Maceres Romulus and Levelt Vital, put on a great show of beautiful songs to the delight of the attendees. Thank You Maso! Thank you Levelt!

The music was upbeat as Herold the One man band got everyone to hit the dance floor till midnight. It was a wonderful evening.

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc thanks all of those who were in attendance. We appreciate all the support we received from the portapimentais and friends to make this event a remarkable success.

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc also thanks the following individuals and companies who contributed exceptionally to its accomplishments this year: JRG Copa LLC of Hollywood, Unitransfer, Haitian American Psychiatric Association, Primevere Club, Mr Jacques Etienne, Mrs. Danick Aarestrup Verret, Dr Ernst J Joseph, Dr Serge St Gerard, Dr Spencer Lubin among others.


News update- Schools reopen in Port-a-Piment

11/24/2016.– Hurricane Matthew had not spared  the schools in Port-a-Piment. All the schools have been severely damaged with the exception of the “Lycée de Port-a-Piment” which is still being used as a shelter.

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The schools were not equipped to reopen on November 7th as proposed by the Board of Education. All basic materials had been destroyed or were missing. Upon learning of the problems, KPP took some action by contacting the schools’ directors and obtaining an inventory of needed materials; KPP hired 15 workers to clean up the “Ecole Notre Dame du Rosaire” of the debris left by Hurricane Matthew .

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KPP also ordered blackboards, desks and student desks for all the schools including the “Ecole Mixte de Jabouin”.

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As of today, 6 out of the 8 schools have reopened their doors and most students are now able to attend classes.

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KPP thanks all of its contributors for their generosity and support. Your donations are making a difference in the commune of Port-a-Piment.


Nouvelles en bref

16 novembre 2016.– Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais.

Produits Gourde ***US Dollar Gourde   US Dollar
Date 16/11/16 11/16/16 26/08/16 08/26/16
1 Marmite de Riz 180.00 2.70 180.00 2.77
1 Marmite de Mais   84.00 1.26   84.00 1.29
1 Marmite de Blé  180.00 2.70 180.00 2.77
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil  120.00 1.80 120.00 1.85
1 Marmite de Pois  300.00 4.50 300.00 4.63
1 Marmite de Pistache  250.00 3.75 250.00 3.85
1 Marmite de Farine  120.00 1.80 120.00 1.85
1 Marmite de Sucre  240.00 3.60 240.00 3.70
1Marmite Sel de cuisine    50.00 0.75   30.00 0.46
1 Gallom d’Huile  375.00 5.63 350.00 5.40
1 Pot de Café (en paille)  225.00 3.37 250.00 3.85
1 Livre de Poisson  125.00 1.87 125.00 1.93
1 Livre de Viande  150.00 2.25 100.00 1.54
1 Sac de Charbon  200.00 3.00 300.00 4.63
1 Gallon de Kerozène  225.00 3.37 225.00 3.47
1 Sac de Ciment  525.00 7.88 535.00 8.25
*** 16/11/2016(Taux de Change) $1.00USD = 66.65HTG