The 2019 KPP Summer Camp, a Successful Venture!

The KPP Summer Camp program has now completed its 8th year. The 2 week camp ran from July 1st through July 12th. Grateful are we to have been granted use of the campus of the College Stella Maris for the duration of the camp. The campus sits in the center of town and is readily accessible to all.

The 80 campers had been selected by their school directors on the basis of academic achievement, and came from 8 schools of the commune. They all boasted of their high average and their class standing. The children readily acknowledged that admission to the KPP Summer Camp had been a strong motivating factor for doing their best in school.

Mrs Paule Edline Orcel fulfilled the role of Camp Director. An energetic, motivating, fun filled figure, she led a staff of 21 and a group of 80 campers through days that were designed to stimulate their minds, condition their bodies and sharpen their social skills.

The 80 campers were divided into 6 groups, each under the guidance of a monitor chosen from the educational staff in Port-a-Piment. Each group had a name, and its own motto. The campers were reminded daily of the theme for the week.

For the first week, the theme was “Faites de l’Education la Source de votre Réussite.”

For the second week, the theme was: “Engagez-vous pour être des modèles pour la Société

Each morning, Mrs. Orcel and Mr. Frantz Jean, KPP President, held a pep talk with the campers to reinforce the theme of the week and discuss how to become better citizens.


A daily schedule included a Prayer, Aerobics, Memory games, Puzzles, Songs, Poems and Jokes. Under the guidance of the monitors, the children practiced activities such as Coloring,Origami, Crochet, Sudoku. They also delighted in practicing Soccer, Jumping rope, Badminton, Frisbee, Osselets.

And the campers also had the opportunity to increase their learning on different topics.

Mrs. Orcel, who is a member of the “Protection Civile “Corps held a talk on Natural Disasters and Preparedness for the Hurricane season. She also held a seminar on Dental Health, and a special session  for the teenage campers on Hygiene for the changing body.

Mr. Phedo Lubin, our local “environmentalist” spoke to the campers on Ecosystems and on how responsible citizens can best protect the environment.

Mr. Abraham Gentil, a teacher by profession, spoke on the demands and the benefits of higher education, and how to be a model in one’s society.

Dr. Marc Andre Letang advised the campers on 6 principles of Hygiene to preserve and ameliorate the health of children.


The campers and staff enjoyed two meals daily. Breakfast consisted of Bread, Peanut Butter and Chocolate milk, or Spaghetti with Herring, or Flour Porridge with Bread and Peanut Butter.

Lunch would consist of Sausages, “Legumes” or Herring, with either Cornmeal or Rice with Bean Sauce, or with Rice and Beans “Kole”, and Fruit Punch as a drink.

At the end of the day, the campers would hold a Rehearsal for Graduation.


They came in their Sunday Best !!!!

Friday the 12th marked graduation day. The campers dressed their best and came in accompanied by a parent. They each received a Certificate of Attendance and the gift of a schoolbag and educational supplies.

In the auditorium, the parents had a chance to admire the arts and crafts produced by their children. The kids then performed a show that demonstrated their skills at storytelling, dance, reciting poems. The campers also expressed their thanks to KPP with a song.

A reception of sandwiches and Punch was appreciated by all. At closing, one parent expressed everybody’s gratitude to KPP for its efforts at motivating the schoolchildren.

We separated with dreams of an encore in the coming year.


Konbit Pou Potapiman thanks Sister Marie Jeanne of the Sisters of St Anne for her kindness and for the use of the facilities.

A special Thank You goes to the  South Broward Alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for their substantial donation of educational supplies such as drawstring bags, puzzles, notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, erasers which were used to stuff the school bags at graduation, and in preparation for the next school year. Their donation of deodorants, sanitary napkins, toothbrushes and toothpaste were also used in the teaching of good health habits.

Thank You to JGR Copa of Hollywood, to Mrs. Rashida Sidney, Mr. Guy Antoine, Mrs. Marie –Thérèse Boulos,  Mrs. Doris Izmery, Graphics Solutions of New Jersey ,for their contributions.

Thank You to our guest speakers, Mr. Phedo Lubin, Mr. Abraham Gentil, Dr. Marc Andre Letang for sharing their knowledge and their expertise with a younger generation.

Thank You to the members of KPP, especially Mr. Jean Jules Musac, who volunteered time and goods whenever needed.

Thank You to the parents who trusted KPP with the safety of their children. We are proud to have run a 2 week camp, with no negative incidents..

Thank You to the staff of monitors, sports director, dietary personnel, cleaning crew, security personnel for their caring and professionalism.

Thank You to all who supported us with your contributions, your encouragement and your concern in these difficult times.

And a very sincere Thank You goes to Camp Director, Mrs. Paule-Edeline Orcel for a job well done!!!. Her enthusiasm, her sense of order and of discipline, her “people “skills ensure that the KPP Summer Camp Program will remain an invaluable asset in promoting the value of Education in the commune of Port-a-Piment.







The 2019 Oliver Aärestrup “Prix d’Excellence” Awards

The award ceremony for the KPP annual “Prix d’Excellence” took place on Sunday June 30th, at the church of Notre Dame du Rosaire in Port-a-Piment. It was a grandiose and double celebration as the last Sunday of June also marks Fathers’ Day in Haiti.

At the conclusion of the 7AM mass, Father Pierre Serdier Beliazar, the parish vicar, recognized the work of Konbit Pou Potapiman in the domain of Education and the value of rewarding hard work.

Mrs. Paule-Edline Orcel, Secretary of KPP Haiti, recounted the hardships of the last school year and the excellent work performed by the recipients, in spite of multiple disruptions in the academic calendar. The awards are offered to the laureates of the graduating classes of 9eme Année Fondamentale, and Philo.

Mr. Frantz Jean, President of KPP announced that the 2019 awards were funded by the Jean/Aarestrup family to honor the memory of Oliver Aarestrup, the family patriarch.

Frantz Jean recalled Oliver Aarestrup, his grandfather, as a maverick in the domain of Education. He worked as a School Director in Déjoie, as well as in Macabé in the commune of Port Salut. “Pa VA” or “Direk” as he was affectionately known, promoted higher education in the commune, and participated in different aspects of its cultural life, mostly as a Scout leader.

The recipients of the 2019 “Oliver Aarestrup Prix d’Excellence” were presented with a Certificate, and a cash award to help defray the costs of higher education. The recipients are:

Jessica François          9eme Année Fondamentale        Collège Stella Maris

Miermont François       Philo                                            Lyée de Port-a-Piment

Jacquelin Musac           9eme Année Fondamentale       EFA de Port-a-Piment

Rose Lita Dominique    Philo                                            Collège Evangélique Baptiste








Mrs. Paule Edline Orcel then led the community in a hymn of Thanksgiving as Father gave his blessing to the recipients.


Konbit Pou Potapiman congratulates the award recipients and presents its compliments to the school directors, teachers, parents and mentors who are providing daily guidance to the younger generation.


A New Beginning for the KPP Children’s Library

On Saturday June 15th 2019, the KPP Children’s Library moved back to its old headquarters, in a special section of the EFA school dedicated for such use. In 2016, the library had been destroyed by Hurricane Matthew. Also destroyed was a surrounding wall that provided security and privacy to the library users. KPP had committed to rehabilitate both the library structure and the surrounding wall, while using a vacant classroom of the school for reading activities.

It took time and it took money. The renovation of the library involved rebuilding a 8 foot wall for a length of 400 feet; doting the structure with a new roof, new windows, ordering new tables, chairs, wall shelves and a large closet for storing books between sessions. A fresh coat of paint gives the structure an appealing and kid friendly look.

The “new” KPP Children’s Library now features over 350 books,as well as 30 electronic tablets filled with stories that are of special interest to the kids.

A staff of 2 manages the library. Mr Gary Moise and Miss Marie Antoine Laurole. are both teachers by profession. The library will be open during the summer months on Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, and on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons during the school year. The children proudly display the laminated library card that gives them access to the library.

Konbit Pou Potapiman offers its sincere thanks to all who contributed toward the reconstruction of the Children’s Library. A special Thank You goes to Mr Robert Orcel for volunteering to supervise the work; to Mr Josue Paul, Director of the EFA school ; to Mrs Therèse-Yvette Damas Lahens and Mrs.Josianne Mirville Henry; to Mr and Mrs Marcelin Emile; to Mrs Claudette Werleigh and Mrs Livie Magloire for securing the much needed books. Thank You to Mr Raoul Peck for a generous contribution, and Thank You to Mr and Mrs Valdere Orcel who facilitated the transport of goods and materials.


On behalf of the children of Port-a-Piment, Mesi Anpil to all!!



Delivery of Donated Goods

During the week of June 10th, Konbit Pou Potapiman proceeded to the distribution of goods that had been donated for use by the citizens of Port-a-Piment. Mr Frantz Jean, KPP President, and Mrs. Paule-Edeline Orcel, Secretary of KPP Haiti, visited all the schools of the town to deliver boxes of messenger bags, headphones, cooler bags and amplifiers donated by the company Shoes for Crews of the USA. The distribution of the  goods was left to the discretion of the school directors and staff.

It is noted that all schools of the commune were also recipients of those gifts, and their lots were entrusted to the respective directors.















On Wednesday June 19th, Mr Frantz Jean delivered a carton box of medical supplies to the Hospital of Port-a-Piment. It was entrusted to the Medical Director, Dr Marc Andre Letang and also to the Hospital Administrator, Mr Evens Pierre.








On Tuesday July 2nd, KPP invited the directors of different schools to “shop” for books that had been received and deemed better suited to students of higher grades. Sister Jacqueline  of the School of Notre Dame du Rosaire, Mr Alguinaire Seide of the Lycee of Port-a-Piment, Mr Gary Moise,a teacher, and a representative of EFA were able to peruse and choose different books which will contribute to the growth of their students.








Konbit Pou Potapiman thanks Mr..Ricardo Lowe of Shoes for Crews company, Mrs Anssie Blot, Dr Teresa Carmen Garcia, Mr. Thiery Theodore, Mr and Mrs Marcelin Emile, Mrs Therese Yvette Damas Lahens and Mrs Josiane Mirville Henry, Mrs Claudette Werleigh and Mrs Livie Magloire for their contributions. Our thanks also go to KPP members Yves Sidney, Geto Dumesle as well as to Mr and Mrs. Valdere Orcel for their invaluable help in getting those donations to the intended recipients.
