August 29th, 2014.-Since Hurricane Sandy destroyed its water distribution system, Port-a-Piment has been left without water. This situation causes various health problems among its citizens. Konbit Pou Potapiman , in its quest to help find a solution, has partnered with Columbia University and the Engineers Without Borders of Netherland. Both organizations are working toward the aim of providing the precious liquid to the people of Port-a-Piment. The Port-a-Piment Municipal Authorities and DINEPA ( Haiti State Water Authority) have already given the green light for the project.
FROM KIVI (Engineering Society): EWB-NL Project :
Feasibility study drinking water after Sandy – Port-a-Piment, Haïti
During Hurricane Sandy the water supply system for the city sustained extensive damages. The original water supply network consisted of water from a mountain reservoir which was piped for 8 to 10 miles to the city’s municipal distribution system which then provided water to individual households connected to the system. Since the pipes transporting water from the reservoir to the distribution system were destroyed during the hurricane, the city has not had a source of clean and reliable water for over one year.
More information can be found in the report
“Preliminary Information Regarding the Labeyi Water Supply Source for Port-a-Piment” here >>
Contribution EWB-NL:
EWB-NL provides technical analysis, design work and training of future operators.
- Project conception and initiation
- Project definition and planning
- Project launch or execution
- Project performance and control
- Project close
First of all we’ll start with a technical analysis of the current situation. Then we’ll send a team to Haiti. The EWB-NL team will carry out a feasibility study that will focus on problem analysis, solution alternatives and local stakeholders.
Last modified on 28 July 2014