A few years ago, the Ministry of National Education reformed the structure of the school system in Haiti. Prior to the change, primary schools were made up of 6 grades, 1st through 6th. Now, primary education is made up of 9 grades, 1st through 9th.
The implementation of the change, from 6 to 9 grades, went through a transition period at the National School of Figuiers in Port-a-Piment. To date, the school has incorporated 2 grades, 7th and 8th. As for the 9th grade, they were facing a dilemma. The sole structure unoccupied on the premises had been severely damaged by the earthquake in August 2021.
What should have represented an exciting opportunity for an educator turned into a nightmare. The joy of being in a situation impacting the lives of more children in the community vanished. The National School Board handed out new responsibilities without providing the resources to handle them. As of today, no public funds have been provided to assist the school.
After many requests were left without adequate response, Mr. Luckner Charles (the principal of the school in Figuiers) formulated a plan of action. He found accommodations for the 7th and 8th grades. Then Mr. Charles turned to Konbit Pou Potapiman (KPP) by submitting a request through proper channels for funds to repair the damaged structure.
On March 17th, our board met, and we unanimously approved the request. Today, the children attending the 9th grade will enjoy a decent place to be educated.
We want to take this opportunity to thank the friends of KPP. You made repairing the National School of Figuiers possible. This is your donation at work.
Je félicite le président et les membres de KPP qui ont pensé à la réparation de l’école Nationale de Figuiers. Cela est vraiment important, si on attend l’état pour la réparation que deviendrait cette école.? Chapeau bas pour l’équipe de KPP pour tous les aides que vous apportez pour la commune de Port-à-Piment. Merci