Update: the KPP Dairy Cow Project

The KPP Dairy Cow Project that was initiated in April 2022 in the village of Chariole, is a long term project where selected beneficiaries tend to the animals, with the goal of securing milk for their family and the community, and also to become owners of the first offspring. We can say that the program is moving in the right direction.

The beneficiaries had to face and overcome many challenges.

A drought in the South of Haiti affected the production of milk. The cows produced sufficient milk to feed the calves but not enough to be shared with the community. The loss of one cow was also attributed to the severe drought in the area.

A wave of Insecurity in the area resulted in bulls being the target of thieves. To prevent a loss, our members on the ground decided to replace the bull with a cow.

Nevertheless, we are pleased to report that four (4) baby calves were born in the last few months, bringing our inventory to 12 cows.

After a recent visit in the area, Agronomist Gayony Germeil reported positively on the project. The veterinary visit is expected to occur early next month to ensure that all animals are faring well and getting the necessary vaccines.

Thank you for your support. You are the reason we are able to help the community of Port-a-Piment. Please continue donating. Every donation makes a difference. 

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