The 2023 KPP Annual Summer Camp

Friday August 4th marked the closing of the 2023 KPP Annual Summer Camp. It was held in Port-a-Piment from July 24th and for 2 weeks.

As in previous years, camp attendance consisted of 80 youngsters, age 7 to 12, from the 8 primary schools of the town, selected by the school administrators on the basis of academic excellence.

The staff of 22 consisted of monitors, dietary personnel, security personnel, cleaning crew.


The camp offered the children the opportunity to work in groups while developing skills in Sports, Arts and Crafts, Theater and Dance, all in an atmosphere of mutual respect. From the guest speakers, they learned about civism, health and how to protect the environment. The children also enjoyed breakfast and lunch daily.



Graduation Day reunited camp participants, parents and the camp staff for a morning of craft displays, skits, speeches and a modest reception. The graduates each received a book bag to be used in the new school year.

Once again, the team of KPP Haiti, under the leadership of Mrs Paule Edline Orcel, proved to be independent performers who brought the camp to fruition.

Konbit Pou Potapiman presents its compliments to the team of KPP Haiti.

We also thank the guest speakers who worked to mold the children into better citizens. Thank you, Mr. Abraham Gentil, Mr. Phedo Lubin, Nurse Aude Laure Pierre, Mr Prosper Jean-Charles.

Our thanks also go to the Director of the College Stella Maris for the use of the property.

Thank you to Food for the Poor, the firm of Gerly Distribution (Agr. Yvette Marsan Darbouze), the firm of SO.DIS.SA N.A (Mrs. Doris Izmery and Kate Izmery), Mr. Valdere Orcel for their invaluable help in providing supplies for the camp.

And Thank You for your continued support!  Participation in the KPP Summer Camp remains a powerful incentive for the children of Port-a-Piment to do their best in school. We are looking forward to many more years of Summer Camps.
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