Reading contest at the EFACAP of Port-a-Piment

On Sunday June 18th 2023, the Award ceremony for a Reading Contest took place at the EFACAP of Port-a-Piment. The contest was organized by the directors of the school with the participation of the teachers and a steering committee of parents.

The reading competition started last May and it involved students from 4eme Annee Fondamentale (4AF) through 7eme Annee Fondamentale (7AF).  The students had access to the KPP Children Library during school days.

This contest served as an educational challenge and an incentive for children to read more.  The school doors were open to parents and the public.   The EFACAP directors and teachers took the opportunity to inform everyone about the school curriculum and its programs, and teachers were available to answer questions and provide insights on the activities.

Throughout the day, the finalists made their presentations. It was a demonstration of exemplary communication and reading skills.  The winners of the contest were announced by the judges, Mrs. Paule Edeline Orcel and Mr. Phedo Lubin.

Gracieuse Dorival :    7AF

Nice Betechda Dorival: 6AF

Frankline Guerrier: 4AF

The public responded positively with lots of applause.  Overall, the program ended well, to the satisfaction of the organizers and the public.

KPP thanks Director Mac-Simon Louis, Director Josue Paul, the teachers and the steering committee for the realization of the contest.  KPP is proud to have provided its assistance. This activity meets our purpose to offer the youngsters a chance to further a reading culture in the youth.


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