An Agricultural Event!

An extraordinary event happened on Sunday October 17th 2021: Konbit Pou Potapiman (KPP) delivered on its promise to assist the farmers in the various villages of the commune of Port-a-Piment in their quest to recover from the economic downturn caused by the devastating earthquake of last August 14th 2021

Our project was to provide the farmers with the seeds needed to cultivate their land, and also to accompany them with technical assistance for a successful harvest of beans in the next 3-4 months.








Early on that Sunday, farmers from 13 villages of the countryside started to converge on Grandpas, one of the neighborhoods of the town of Port-a- Piment.


They were 300 who had registered to receive 5 “buckets“ of beans seeds each for planting.

The identification of the recipients was carefully reviewed. Each of the farmers was the holder of an ID card provided by KPP. These cards were created to facilitate the process of distribution.

  A roll call by villages was made to verify the presence of the beneficiaries.  Mr. Jean Robert Isidor, the KPP representative, took to the podium to welcome the farmers. In his speech, he reminded them of the meaning of October 17th in Haitian history: date of the death of Jean Jacques Dessalines, Father of the Haitian Revolution.  Jean Robert stated that the distribution of the seeds was a great way to honor his memory. He also reiterated the objectives of the program: to help the farmers improve their family’s finances, while helping others do the same. Upon harvest, each farmer is to return 1 “bucket” of beans to KPP to help further the program to other villages. Four other members of KPP also spoke to the crowd.









The farmers, armed with their registration cards, were then called by villages. The operation went on smoothly for 4 hours. Our reports indicate that all farmers did receive what was promised to them. And they expressed their gratitude to the organization.









 We thank our members in Port-a-Piment for their leadership in planning, and executing the operation. Thank you Jean Jules, Paule Edline, Murielle, Phebe, Jonel, Rosie, Gayoni, Brian.  Kudos to Jean Robert Isidor for his leadership in the preparation and realization of this phase of the project!

We also thank everyone who contributed to our fundraising efforts. Mesi, Mesi anpil!

Photos: Jonel Musac

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