On the move to restore the flora of Port-a-Piment

In 2016, following the passage of Hurricane Matthew, Port-a-Piment found its fauna and flora devastated. Most of the trees had fallen and still today, few coconut trees remain in the town or the nearby villages.

With the aim of helping to restore the natural environment of its beloved commune, Konbit Pou Potapiman partnered with Initiative 5×4, an environmental organization created to foster a citizen response to the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew. One of its objectives is to boost a national momentum for the country’s reforestation by planting 4 million trees such as palm trees, coconut trees, mango trees…. over 5 years.

On May 31st 2021, local members of KPP-Haiti distributed  84 young coconut  trees  to 40 families of the commune, and to 2 schools in Port a Piment. (Ecole Nationale de Figuiers and Ecole Nationale de Potus). The recipients had been carefully chosen to ensure their ability to plant and care for the trees, and guarantee their survival.















Konbit Pou Potapiman thanks  Agronomist Phillipe Mathieu, of Initiative 5×4 for the donation of the 84 trees used in the first phase of the project. An order from KPP for an additional 100 trees is pending, awaiting the availability of the sprouts.