KPP’s 10th Year Anniversary

 Happy Anniversary KPP!

10 years ago, on March 11, 2011, our KPP was created. 10 years later, as we look back, a lot has happened in the world and in our beloved Port-a-Piment. We’ve experienced natural disasters after natural disasters up to today’s pandemic. Through it all, our work has continued.

When we initially started writing this article, our intention was to undertake an assessment of our accomplishments for the last 10 years. And also to share with you a video which chronicles our 10 years of existence. Then we realized, no words from us could match the video. As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. And in this case, we should say a video is worth a “trillion” words. As a result, we decided to let the video talk for us.

On behalf of the people of Port-a-Piment, the Board of Directors of KPP in Port-a-Piment and the US, thank you to all  for your generosity and trust.. Without your support, we would have been unable to achieve all that you made possible in the last 10 years.

Like the song says, “We’ve only just began!”

Hope you enjoy the video, “KPP’s 10th Year Anniversary”:  



Thank you!
