Fresh and Clean Water in the village of Nan Koma


“Dlo se lavi!” Water is life! It was so gratifying to hear those words from a resident of Jabouin as Konbit Pou Potapiman inaugurated a well in that village in 2018.

These same words resonated with us when we received a request from the residents of Nan Koma, a small village of the commune of Chardonnières. for a well to be built in their area as well.  Nan Koma is located at 2.6 Km from the town of  Port-a-Piment, and has a population of approximately 400 residents.

Like in so many others villages in Haiti, Nan Koma residents had been struggling to gain access to clean and fresh water. The hard daily commute to the Labeyi river or to a spring in the mountains has had its toll on the residents and has contributed to the development of diseases such as Typhoid. The need for clean water was urgent.

With due diligence, KPP sought and obtained the authorization of the OREPA-Sud in Cayes ( the State Authority), as well as the approval of local authorities, to dig and construct a well. And work began on January 3rd, 2021.









“Dlo se lavi”. The residents of Nan Koma are now celebrating. Water is available to them for the first time, in their own village.

In a festive atmosphere, the residents gathered on Sunday, January 24th, 2021  to inaugurate the well. The joy to have access to clean and fresh water was evident and was expressed by many residents.

On behalf of the KPP Board of Directors, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of our contributors. A Special Recognition goes to Mr. Jean Robert Isidor of KPP-Haiti, and to Mr. Phedo Lubin for their leadership in getting the job done. Our thanks go as well to Ing. Philippe Eliscar, Director of OREPA-Sud for the approval, and to Mr Gilbert St-Dic for providing space for the new well.
