KPP news update


On behalf of the KPP Board of Directors, we hope that this note finds you in Good Spirits and even better in Good Health.  As we adjust to the new challenging environment, we want you to know that we consider it a privilege to have YOU as a supporter. We are reaching out to provide you with an update on the steps taken since the official announcement of the Coronavirus COVID-19 entry in Haiti.


1-The KPP Children Library in Port-a-Piment is now closed until it is safe for the kids to return.


2- All schools of the commune of Port-a-Piment have closed their doors. A project of  “Jardin Scolaire “undertaken at 4 different schools in the town of Port-a-Piment and the village of Potus with the support of KPP has also stopped due to the coronavirus outbreak.  


As of March 20th, 2020 much work had been done: Lecture sessions, field preparation, enclosures, planting of different seeds, watering…. The work was done by the students accompanied by Agronomist Gerdy Francois and Agronomy Student Laurent Parollo,  all under the schools directors’ supervision with the support of KPP. We will continue to provide the necessary support to maintain the fields.


3-, KPP is proud to announce that the X-ray Cassette purchased with funds donated in the honor of the late Dr. Roger Malebranche, has been delivered to the Port-a-Piment Hospital.   The remaining materials such as X-ray Films and Toners   have been entrusted to a cargo ship for delivery in Haiti.


4- We maintain close contact with the KPP-Haiti members while encouraging them to follow the recommendation of Haitian Health officials:


As we are learning how to survive and thrive during the COVID-19 outbreak  we are maintaining  close contact with our members in Port-a-Piment.  Despite the havoc that the Corona virus is causing all over the world, our work must continue.  We are asking our members and supporters to be cautious and to take all necessary precautions to remain in good health.  We are urging you to follow the guidelines of the US Health authorities.


