Delivery of Donated Goods

During the week of June 10th, Konbit Pou Potapiman proceeded to the distribution of goods that had been donated for use by the citizens of Port-a-Piment. Mr Frantz Jean, KPP President, and Mrs. Paule-Edeline Orcel, Secretary of KPP Haiti, visited all the schools of the town to deliver boxes of messenger bags, headphones, cooler bags and amplifiers donated by the company Shoes for Crews of the USA. The distribution of the  goods was left to the discretion of the school directors and staff.

It is noted that all schools of the commune were also recipients of those gifts, and their lots were entrusted to the respective directors.















On Wednesday June 19th, Mr Frantz Jean delivered a carton box of medical supplies to the Hospital of Port-a-Piment. It was entrusted to the Medical Director, Dr Marc Andre Letang and also to the Hospital Administrator, Mr Evens Pierre.








On Tuesday July 2nd, KPP invited the directors of different schools to “shop” for books that had been received and deemed better suited to students of higher grades. Sister Jacqueline  of the School of Notre Dame du Rosaire, Mr Alguinaire Seide of the Lycee of Port-a-Piment, Mr Gary Moise,a teacher, and a representative of EFA were able to peruse and choose different books which will contribute to the growth of their students.








Konbit Pou Potapiman thanks Mr..Ricardo Lowe of Shoes for Crews company, Mrs Anssie Blot, Dr Teresa Carmen Garcia, Mr. Thiery Theodore, Mr and Mrs Marcelin Emile, Mrs Therese Yvette Damas Lahens and Mrs Josiane Mirville Henry, Mrs Claudette Werleigh and Mrs Livie Magloire for their contributions. Our thanks also go to KPP members Yves Sidney, Geto Dumesle as well as to Mr and Mrs. Valdere Orcel for their invaluable help in getting those donations to the intended recipients.
