Update on the KPP Animal Breeding Project

The KPP Animal Breeding Project is moving on in the commune of Port-a-Piment. As you may recall, the goats and sheep distributed during the 2014-2016 were decimated by hurricane Matthew in October 2016. With the help of One World Group Oxted, a London based nonprofit organization, the project was revived late 2017, but this time in the locality of Nan Ma. As of today, 15 families in Nan Ma are beneficiary owners of Goats.

On Saturday March, 30th, 2019 using the same basic principles, 4 new beneficiaries were awarded 2 goats each in the village of Anba Dolian. Anba Dolian is at 11 kilometers from the center of the town of Port-a-Piment. It is expected that these new beneficiaries will in turn become the donors to families within Anba Dolian and other villages as the program extends its geographical coverage.

 The KPP Animal Breeding Project is based on a “Receive and Give” concept. For every animal received, the beneficiary will “give forward” one offspring of the same age, which must be in good condition. The animal will be given to the qualified next in line recipient. The selection of beneficiaries prioritizes the most deprived families. Ultimately, those families will have the chance to improve their living conditions due to the economic benefits of animal breeding.
