A Spelling Contest in Port-a-Piment

From January 2016 through March 2016, the commune of Port-a-Piment held its first spelling contest between 5 different schools. The contest was strictly reserved for students of the first two cycles of basic education and was held in both of Haiti’s languages: Kreyol and French.

Each school was represented by a team of 5 students. The participating schools were : Ecole Nationale de Figuiers, Ecole Nationale de Labeyi, Ecole Nationale de Potus, Ecole Evangélique Baptiste de Port-a-Piment, Ecole Mixte Tabernacle de Granpass.

Organized by NOSH, a local organization and sponsored by Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc (KPP), this spelling contest aims to encourage students to demonstrate their talents and accomplishments through oral spelling of words. It is designed to help students not only improve their vocabulary skills, but also to learn concepts that will help develop the correct usage of French and Kreyol.

The final round of this important event was held on Wednesday March 16th, 2016 at the Evangélique Baptist Church in Port-a-Piment. The two teams finalists were Ecole Nationale de Potus and Ecole Evangelique Baptiste de Port-a-Piment. The contest was won by Ecole Nationale de Potus.

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This first Spelling contest was an overwhelming success. We would like to thank all the participants, students, teachers and staff who helped make the event a success.

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Congratulations to the team of the Ecole Nationale de Potus for winning the contest!

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc, is proud to have sponsored Port-a-Piment’s First Spelling contest and hope to make it an annual event. Kudos to NOSH, the local organizer!


Nouvelles en bref

13 avril 2016.– Prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais.

Produits Gourde ***US Dollar Gourde   US Dollar
Date 26/03/16 03/26/16 26/02/16 02/26/16
1 Marmite de Riz 180.00 2.91 180.00 2.92
1 Marmite de Mais 120.00 1.94 120.00 1.95
1 Marmite de Blé  180.00 2.91 180.00 2.92
1 Marmite de Petit-Mil 120.00 1.94 120.00 1.95
1 Marmite de Pois 360.00 5.83 360.00 5.85
1 Marmite de Pistache 175.00 2.86 150.00 2.44
1 Marmite de Farine 120.00 1.94  120.00 1.95
1 Marmite de Sucre 180.00 2.91 240.00 3.90
1Marmite Sel de cuisine   25.00 0.40  30.00 0.49
1 Gallom d’Huile 375.00 6.07 375.00 6.09
1 Pot de Café (en paille) 200.00 3.24 200.00 3.25
1 Livre de Poisson 125.00 2.02 150.00 2.44
1 Livre de Viande  100.00 1.62 100.00 1.62
1 Sac de Charbon 200.00 3.24 200.00 3.25
1 Gallon de Kerozène  195.00 3.16 195.00 3.33
1 Sac de Ciment 510.00 8.26  500.00 8.29
*** 26/03/2016(Taux de Change)
1 USD = 61.75HTG