
06 Janvier 2012.- Nous avons appris la triste nouvelle de la mort de Mr Shiller Abraham, Maire adjoint de Port-à-Piment, à la suite d’un   accident de moto le 31 Décembre dernier.  Konbit Pou Potapiman (K P P) présente ses sincères condoléances à la municipalité de Port-à-Piment  ainsi qu’à tous les  parents et amis affectés par ce deuil. Les funérailles du regretté Maire adjoint seront chantées le Samedi 7 Janvier à l’église Notre Dame du Rosaire de Port-à-Piment. Paix à son âme.!

Sponsorship Program- December 2011 event

Frantz and I spent the last two weeks of December in Port a Piment. We were happy to reconnect with the families of the KPP Sponsorship Program.
We got there just as schools were closing for the holidays. We had the chance to visit with the staff of Notre Dame Du Rosaire (NDDR) Parochial School. We also visited the 4eme Annee Fondamentale classroom. Eleven of the sponsored children attend NDDR.
Our special event for the kids and their families was held on December 21st, at 4PM, at the “Salle Paroissiale”. 23 children accompanied by a parent attended. Some siblings were also present.
Our program included short speeches, story reading, poems, a mini book fair and a modest reception.
The theme for the event was to inspire the kids to read for fun, to start to build their own little library, and to learn to respect books. In preparation, we had brought in about 100 small, easy to read, Haitian printed books for children, some in Kreyol, some in French. They are edited by Kopivit- L’action Sociale in Port-au-Prince . We are most grateful to Mr. Gerard-Marie Tardieu for his help and a generous discount. We also had for display an assortment of reference books such as atlases that were donated by Mr.Gabriel Verret to the Sponsorship program.
Frantz opened the afternoon, reviewing the goals of the program and congratulating the parents for their participation.
I spoke to encourage the kids to read for pleasure, to suggest to parents to read to the kids or to have an older sibling do it. We discussed respecting books, using them without destroying them. Each kid would be given his books in a plastic “Ziploc” bag, to keep them neat.
Our program also included:
– Darlene Forestal, 11years old, who read a story from the book “Rene ak Rita ap Jwe”.
– Daphne Mentor, 7 years old, who sang a Christmas carol.
– Berline Moise, 7 years old, in a Christmas poem.
– Mrs. Potus, a parent, read and explained a story from the book “Le Colibri d’Ór”.
– Regina Potus, 4 years old, her daughter, recited a poem.
– Mrs. Roselene Gentil, Program coordinator in Haiti , spoke to the parents on helping the kids achieve their academic goals. She also spoke of the need to appreciate the sponsors’ commitment. Mrs. Gentil also acted out a “conte” from one the books, to the delight of kids and adults alike.
– Mr. Jean Marc advised the parents on contacting him promptly with the report cards, bills…
The children then lined up to receive the books that they had selected. .A reception of sandwiches, Kola, sweets was well appreciated by all present.
Mrs. Potus then led the audience in a song thanking the KPP staff. All the families expressed their appreciation as they departed.
I am personally quite satisfied with our first “mini book fair”. As one who enjoys books, I am eager to share my thirst for reading with the KPP children. I had held deep doubts that the kids would appreciate books ( in lieu of the usual Christmas toys). But there they were, in line, eager to pick up their very own story books! Some parents requested extra books for siblings at home, and as we were leaving, neighborhood children also approached us asking for books!
The next afternoon, 2 of the children proudly came to visit us, book in hand, to show off their reading skills!
Please see the pictures from our December event using the link below.
We thank you, and the families of the sponsored children thank you for your generosity.
Have a Peaceful and Healthy New Year,
Nicole Jean
KPP Member.


Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc thanks you and wishes you a very prosperous New Year.  As we reflect on the past year, we are greatly encouraged by what has been accomplished.

  • In February 2011, the  new Port-a-Piment hospital opened for business.
  • In March 2011, KPP Inc was formed and legalized in the state ofFlorida. In September KPP Inc is granted the tax exempt status under code 501©(3) by the IRS.
  • In April 2011, KPP Inc partnered with the medical association Class of 72 Association Inc ofMaryland, which donated 30 hospital beds and mattresses to the newly built Port-a-Piment hospital.
  • In July 2011, KPP Inc organized a free health fair clinic for the population of Port-a-Piment and Chardonnieres in collaboration with the Association des Médecins Haitiens (AMH). More than 500 patients received free check ups and free medicines.
  • In July 2011, KPP-Haiti with the financial backing of PNUD ( Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement), partially repaired and rehabilitated the Port-a-Piment drinking water system.
  • In July 2011, KPP distributed school supplies and sports equipment to students. They were donated by Delta Sigma Thêta Sorority Inc. and Graphics Solutions Inc. of NJ.
  • In August 2011, KPP Inc established a link with the LaTorra-Larsen Medical  Foundation, which expressed its willingness to donate some medical equipment to the Hospital in Port-a-Piment
  • In November 2011, KPP purchased and distributed chlorine tablets to people in the areas affected by the Cholera epidemic.
  • In December 2011, KPP Inc organized its first annual fund raising event with the participation of 140 attendees.
  • In  December 2011, KPP organized a book fair and reception for the children of the Sponsorship Program and their parents.
  • In December 2011, KPP-Haiti obtained PNUD’s approval and financial backing to finalize the rehabilitation of Port-a-Piment water supply system
  • The KPP internet site continues to inform its audience. In the last year, the number of visitors increased by 30% from the previous year.

KPP Inc is proud to maintain a high standard of accountability and transparency in all of its activities.

As the New Year begins, Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc will continue to seek new members and partners, in its quest to improve the lives of our brothers and sisters in Port-a- Piment. We plan to;

  • Keep up  our  commitment to help our county of Port-a-Piment
  • Add new activities to our sponsorship program
  • Increase the membership
  • Seek more volunteers to strengthen our annual free health fair clinic
  • Partner with other organizations to reach our goal of getting all basic medical equipment to the hospital.
  •  Strengthen our ties with KPP–Haiti and improve the operational and administrative skills of all members.


Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc, invites you to be involved in the renewal of Port-à-Piment. We also wish you a Healthy New Year!

