Lu pour vous
Rektora  Inivèsite  Leta  d Ayiti  /  Komite pou tabli Akademi Kreyòl Ayisyen an Mèkredi 12 desanm 2012
Rektora  Inivèsite  Leta  d Ayiti  ak  Komite pou tabli Akademi Kreyòl Ayisyen an  kontan anpil wè  Sena Repiblik la  vote  Lwa  sou  fonksyònman  ak  òganizasyon  Akademi   kreyòl  Ayisyen    an.  Komite a pran plezi  anonse  popilasyon an  gwo nouvèl sa a : Akademi   Kreyòl  Ayisyen an jwenn  vòt  Sena  a nan seyans lendi 10 desanm 2012 la,  jan Konstitisyon 1987 la mande sa nan atik 213 li.
Chapo ba pou palmantè yo nan Sena Repiblik la !
Vòt sa a, se yon kokenn  bourad Akademi Kreyòl la jwenn  pou li vanse  sou chimen li. Se yon gwo pas dlo nou janbe.  Kounye a, se  tou  pa   Chanm  Depite a  ki pral  jwe wòl   pa li pou Akademi Kreyòl Ayisyen an jwenn  tit legal  li pou li  fonksyone  kòmsadwa.
Komite pou tabli Akademi Kreyòl Ayisyen an remèsye tout Senatè yo, espesyalman  Senatè  Jean  William  JEANTY  ki  te ede kolèg li yo konprann enpòtans pwojè lwa a jis  li rive  jwenn vòt pozitif  nan  seyans 10 desanm   nan,  ak Senatè Dieuseul Simon DESRAS  ki  sipòte  komite a nan demach sa a.
Pou  komite  a,
…………………….        ……………………      ……………………        ……………………
Fritz  DESHOMMES      Rogeda D. DORCIL      Sony   ESTEUS            Pauris Jean  BAPTISTE
Vis-Rektora Rechèch       Dwayen   Fakilte           Sosyete   Animasyon     Lengwis
Inivèsite Leta d Ayiti,      Lengwistik  Aplike        Kominikasyon Sosyal     Sektè pwotestan
…………………………………                  ……………………………………
Max  BEAUVOIR                       Jean Pierre Zemba Way
Konfederasyon Nasyonal             Jounal  Bon Nouvèl
Vodouyizan Ayisyen



13 décembre 2012.- Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc., annonce le décès de Jeanne Emica Dumesle connue sous le nom de ” Mica Dumesle”. Mica naquit à Port-à-Piment du Sud, le 25 Octobre 1929 de Buteau Dumesle et de Lunia Lindor.

Mica avait un amour inconditionnel pour ses deux fils Franklin Dumesle qui vit actuellement à Chicago et Geto Dumesle de Miami .Elle avait travaillé très dur pendant toute sa vie pour donner à ses deux enfants une éducation très solide.

La dépouille mortelle sera exposée à l’Entreprise Sacré-Cœur située au 159 Rue Nicolas Geffrard aux Cayes.

Les funérailles de la très regrettée “Mica Dumesle” seront chantées à L’église Sacré-Cœur des Cayes le lundi 17 Décembre 2012 à 9 heures du matin. La mise en terre sera faite au Parc du Souvenir. Paix à l’âme de Jeanne Emica Dumesle!

Konbit Pou Potapiman Inc., présente ses sincères condoléances à  Geto, membre du comité directeur de KPP  et famille et à  Franklin,  membre de  KPP et famille.

KPP 2nd Fundraising Dinner a huge success!

December 5th, 2012.– As scheduled, the Second KPP Fundraising Gala took place at the Holiday Inn hotel in Sunrise, Florida last Saturday, December 1st, 2012. The Royal Palm Room reserved for the occasion was nicely decorated. The dining tables were each named after a street or a rural community of Port-a-Piment.

The stage was set and ready. “Bienvenue à Port-à-Piment”, a song written by our friend Edouard Laurole and the group  Chiktay played in the background. The guests made their entrance, accompanied by a KPP board member who led them to their respective reserved tables. The guests fed on cheese, fruit and crackers while they learned about each other and the organization. It was the opportunity to meet and socialize with old friends or acquaintances. Many had travelled from as far away as Boston, New York, Montreal and Haiti to participate and lend a hand to the Konbit.

KPP board member, Edu Stanley Jean-Marie, stepped up to the podium to open the program. In his speech, Edu told the audience why he decided to get involved with Konbit Pou Potapiman, mainly to be able to make a difference in the life of fellow Portapimentais. For Edu, “Tonight is not just an event, a gathering to see old friends and families. Tonight is more than that. The success of our event will help KPP finance the projects set for 2013.” Edu went on to invite everyone to get more involved by sponsoring a child’s educational needs, by inviting a friend or family to become a member of KPP, by providing constructive criticism of our work and by visiting our website www.portapiment.com.

Edu also introduced the members of the Board of KPP , in the occurrence, Edu himself, Jean Maceres Romulus, Geto Dumesle, Carolle Paul the Treasurer, Gerald Sidney, Jacques Hugo Damas, Carmelle Oriol the Secretary and Claudel Moise. Ronald Lubin and Colette St Gerard the Vice President could not attend the function. Edu also introduced the KPP President Frantz J Jean.

KPP presents its congratulations and thanks to Edu for a job well done.

KPP’s President, Frantz also known as Milou, took to the podium to first welcome everyone present. In his speech, Frantz elaborated on the magnified scope of KPP’s commitment, as KPP has been expending its humanitarian activities to neighborhood communities “in a spirit of brotherhood and to help foster entente between the different towns of the Southwest Coast of Haiti”” . Frantz also described the different KPP projects set up to stimulate the youth of Port-a Piment to excel in academics.

Frantz seized the opportunity to recognize the KPP member who led the successful KPP 2012 Summer Camp program as he presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Danie Lubin Pierrette of  Boston. Danie received a warm ovation from the guests.

KPP also honored  Dr Dernst Jean Baptiste (Eddy), Secretary General of the Association des Medecins Haitiens (AMH) for his outstanding service to the community and for being  a constant at the annual health fairs in Port-a-Piment””.  Dr Jean Baptiste received a Certificate of Appreciation as well. A prolonged ovation followed this gesture.

Dr Jean Baptiste thanked KPP and described how the two organizations, AMH and KPP work together for the benefit of the population of Port-a-Piment.

It was also the time to thank Unitransfer who donated 500 dollars to our cause. This contribution helps KPP to expand its horizons and reach its goals. Our thanks also went  to the members of the sister organizations who were present. We are so grateful to have had 163 people attend the event to support the KPP humanitarian activities.

No stay in Port-a-Piment is complete without the traditional Serenade. Last Saturday, we were all invited to the Romulus residence in Figuiers for an exceptional concert. Jean Maceres Romulus and Levelt Vital, two native Portapimentais, took to the stage with their guitars to entertain our guests. Talented musician, young and energetic, Levelt flexed his fingers to the delight of our guests. Levelt’s  musical talent caught the attention of everyone in the room.  Maceres, with his deep voice, charmed our guests with the songs known by all natives and lovers of Port-a-Piment, and many in the audience were caught singing along. “Serenade nan Figuiers” was in full gear. Thank You to Ti Masso and Levelt, for this extraordinary entertainment. Thank you and Bravo!!!!!.

The meal  was served and our guests delighted in a dinner of Caesar Salad, Chicken and Fish Creole, Fried Plantains, Yellow Rice, String Beans, and a delightful Cheese Cake. Wines and Spirits were available on request.

By 9;30PM, the dancing had started. The dance floor was full. The music was upbeat as   Eric of Triomix DJ’S  got everyone to hit the dance floor till midnight. It was a wonderful evening.

As they departed, each guest received a KPP mug as souvenir. The gala had helped raise over $5.000 from friends and supporters.

 We thank all KPP members who helped to make this event a Success. We thank all our guests for their support. 



Nouvelles en bref

03 Decenbre 2012.  A l’exception du pois qui a connu une augmentation de 20%, les prix des produits sur le marché portapimentais n’ont pas varié durant le mois de novembre dernier.

Produits Gourde US Dollar* Gourde US Dollar*
Date 26/11/12 11/26/12 26/10/12 10/26/12
1 Marmite de Riz 150.00  3.75 156.00 3.90
1 Marmite de Mais   72.00  1.80 60.00 1.50
1 Marmite de Blé 100.00  2.50 85.00 2.12
1 Marmite de Petit Mil 100.00  2.50 120.00 3.00
1 Marmite de Pois 300.00  7.50 225.00 5.62
1 Marmite de Pistache 80.00  2.00 75.00 1.87
1 Marmite de Farine  84.00  2.10 84.00 2.10
1 Marmite de Sucre 180.00  4.50 156.00 3.90
1 Marmite de Sel de cuisine  35.00  0.87 35.00 0.87
1 Gallon d’Huile  325.00  8.12 325.00 8.12
1 POT de Café (en paille) 175.00  4.37 175.00 4.37
1 Livre de  Poisson 100.00  2.50 100.00 2.50
1 Livre de Viande 100.00  2.50 100.00 2.50
1 Sac de Charbon 150.00  3.75 150.00 3.75
1 Gallon Kérosène 210.00  5.25  210.00 5.25

*$1.00 US= 40.00 Gourdes