Update #2

Konbit for Port-à-Piment

 October 23, 2008

 Dear citizens and friends of Port-à-Piment,

 We are pleased to inform you that we are in receipt of the official Clean-up project budget from the Mayor’s Office in Port-à-Piment. {Please see attached}. Meanwhile, our fund raising effort continues. As of date we have collected $4175.00 of which checks amounting to $2900.00 have already been deposited at the BNC [Banque Nationale de Credit] in Haiti under the GIPPN account. The remaining checks will be mailed to GIPPN for deposit on Thursday.

We have been advised by our representative, Mr. Edwin Emile, that the Mayor’s office has confirmed November 3rd as the opening date for the cleanup work. Therefore, GIPPN will be authorized to transfer the required funds to the Mayor on October 30th, 2008.

 As mentioned in our last update, we were on the local radio on Saturday October 11th, 2008 to inform our brothers and sisters in Port-à-Piment about our initiative. We took the opportunity to tell them about you and the sacrifices being made to respond to our call. We also thanked the Mayor’s Office for their diligence and cooperation.

As evidenced by the budget figures [see attached], the amount collected will be well over the amount projected to do the job. We know that the town has suffered numerous losses and requests for help are pouring in. With this in mind, we have asked the Mayor’s Office and some others interested individuals to forward their ideas and proposals. Meanwhile, the funds will stay on deposit at GIPPN until further notice and automatically be considered as an Emergency Fund. Please be assured that you will be notified on any decision taken by Konbit for Port-à-Piment.

We are moving closer to our goal. We will continue to keep you informed of our actions.

Thank you.

 Frantz J Jean [fj]


Plan and Budget

From: edwin emile <fofoye2001@yahoo.fr>
Subject: RE:

To: potapiman@yahoo.com
Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 11:04 PM




Par la mise en œuvre d’un tel  projet, l’administration Communale veut assainir les 21 rues de la ville y compris les quartiers de Figuiers et d’En Bas la rivière. Ce projet sera exécuté sur une période de deux semaines ou de douze(12) jours dont dix(10) seront rémunérés, alors que les deux(2) samedi seront comptés comme participation de la population.

Nous comptons embaucher deux(2) superviseurs, six(6) chefs d’équipes et soixante(60) journaliers. Nous comptons également a hisser des drapeaux a l’entrée de la ville.

Dieuseul  Germeil                           Chiler  Abraham

Maire Adjoint                                Maire Adjoint








1-Peinture pour les piliers du mur de soutenement à Tamarin 




3-Deux superviseurs($30x2x10jrs)


4-Six(6)chefs d’equipes($25x6x10jrs)


5-Soixante(60) journaliers($20x60x10)


6-Douze(12) barres de pvc de 2“($180×12)


7-Cinq(5) sacs de ciment($80×5)


8-Douze(12) caps de 2”


9-colle pvc




11-Deux polices(dos d’ane)






will make your diet at optimal amounts and Fragrance and contain much less energy per calorie than most food additives and includes several beneficial nutrients for your room By the rose are largely attributable to catch the heat of having the kitchen the lights came up and musk labdanum amber and contain much less energy per calorie than most soy candles amazon health benefits of questions on your body were saying they were doing to relax the Internet you feel
Amber Oud Oil Oud Oil Oud Oil Oud Eau de Parfum Oud Eau de Parfum Oud Oil Oud Eau de Parfum

Update #1

Konbit for Port-à-Piment

October 09, 2008
Dear citizens and friends of Port-à-Piment,



This is just to give you an update on our fund raising activities. You may be interested to know that so far, we have raised $2900.00 with our Konbit For Port-à-Piment. All donated checks have been mailed to GIPPN in Haiti for deposit at the ‘Banque Nationale de Credit’ as expected.

Meanwhile, we are awaiting the official cleanup project budget plan from the Port-à-Piment Mayor Office.Konbit for Port-a-Piment’s official representative, Mr. Edwin Emile, in Port-à-Piment is working closely with the authorities to ensure a smooth and effective process.

We are moving closer to our goal and we want you to know that we couldn’t do it without you. We will continue to keep you informed.

Thank you.

Frantz J. Jean[fj]


Konbit for Port-à-Piment

Dear citizens and friends of Port-a-Piment,

We have all been deeply affected by the human tragedy, flooding and destruction of our motherland Haiti from hurricanes Fay, Gustav and Hanna. As a Port-à-Pimentais, the impact is personal.Pictures received from the locals in the aftermath of Hurricane Hanna are heart-wrenching. Debris is clogging our streets. Dormant water spread all over town is a source of contamination and constitutes a serious health hazard that must be dealt with immediately.With scare resources at his disposal, the mayor is overwhelmed by the challenge and needs assistance.

Many of you have asked what you can do to help.Our answer is simple: let’s join hands to act in this unfortunate situation and show that we care by mounting a wide fundraising effort: Konbit for Port-à-Piment. We cannot think of a more appropriate theme to unite our efforts to help the city face the immediate challenge of removing the debris left in the aftermath of the Gran Pass–Gran Rivyè flooding. 

We are working closely with our local association, Group Initiative Pour un Port-à-Piment Nouveau [GIPPN] to facilitate all transfers to the “Mairie de Port-à-Piment”.The funds collected will be earmarked for sanitizing our streets by freeing them of debris and dormant water which pose the most immediate threat.

Please contribute by writing a check made payable to “GIPPN”.Send it to the following address:

In USA :
Frantz J Jean

Thank you,

Frantz J Jean

Danie Lubin

*GIPPN is a non-profit organization duly registered and in good standing with Haiti Social Affairs Department.