Update – Great News from EFA!

By Yves Sidney.

In our previous update of September 30th, we informed you that we were in the process of working with three (3) schools and awaiting words on specific needs from others. As of this writing, KPP is helping eight (7) schools in the commune of Port-a-Piment. Our financial support has targeted:

  1. repair of damages (not structural)
  2. operating expenses for schools where parents cannot afford to pay
  3. construction of temporary structures (schools with structural damages)

Slowly but surely, the repairs are being completed. This update will feature the ” Ecole Fondamentale d’Application de Port-a-Piment (EFA). This is a school that services approximately 600 children. Its doors were open on November 11th to greet the students to a facility with a new and improved look.















To give you a feel of the impact of this intervention, below is a translation of excerpts from a letter by the school’s leadership (Josué Paul – Principal, Marlène Blaise – Teacher and Rico Lajoie – Parent):


The Management of the EFA of Port-à-Piment presents its thanks to the staff of the KPP (Konbit Pou Potapiman) for their contribution to the Haitian education system and the development of children in the municipality of Port-à-Piment in particular…

Indeed, this is the first time we have had the chance to repaint the walls of the school since its construction in 2006.Thanks to your financial support, we had the opportunity to remake the image of the school… We greatly appreciate this assistance… that you alone have embraced and funded…

With our deepest sense of gratitude, the EFA/CAP management presents its thanks to you,”


On behalf of our Donors and KPP’s Board of Directors, thank you to the leadership team of EFA de Port-a-Piment.

As Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. These accomplishments are proof of what KPP with the help of our donors have been able to do. We are doing our best to pave the way for the children of Port-a-Piment for a more promising future.

Thank you for your support.

Photos: Jonel Musac