Update on the Earthquake in Port-a-Piment.


During the week following the earthquake, Konbit Pou Potapiman  elected to assess the urgent and long term needs of the population, by conducting a town survey.

KPP-Haiti deployed a team of 12 workers to all neighborhoods of the town to conduct a count of the  damages. Their report indicates :

  • 425 homes destroyed
  • 775 homes with various levels of damages
  • The main structures of the town, including the hospital, the city hall, the churches, most schools, are all visibly damaged.

As for human casualties, there are no deaths in the town but 22 are wounded. As for the surrounding villages, the situation is altogether different. Based on anecdotal reporting, those areas experienced many deaths. Some sources have reported a toll of about 30.  We are however trying to get a handle on the count. They’ve also reported many wounded with some incapable to reach the hospital.

This survey will serve as a basis for allotting aid in the coming months.

What else are we doing ?

Hospital supplies to attend to the wounded were identified as a priority by the hospital administrator. We swiftly acted and supplies of bandages, antibiotics, pain killers, wound cleansers, IV solutions, gloves, alcohol, syringes  among others were delivered to the hospital on Saturday, August 21, 2021. Also included in the delivery is a supply of 500 X-Ray films to be used in the Radiology Unit.








Our thanks to Dr. Ernst Joseph who did the purchasing for KPP and Dr. Robert Daniel for volunteering to transport the supplies from Port-au-Prince to Port-a-Piment.

More medical supplies have been procured. We are working on making arrangements for transportation from Port-au-Prince to Port-a-Piment.

More to come…

Thank you all for your support. The need is great but as you have always shown, you’ve been very generous. And with your help, we will make a difference.

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