The 2018 “Prix d’Excellence Eric Belfort” Awards

On Sunday June 23rd ,as it is a yearly custom, Konbit Pou Potapiman (KPP) presented  the “Prix d’Excellence Eric Belfort” Awards  to nine students from various schools of the commune of Port-a-Piment. The 2018 recipients were chosen by the School Administrators for their best academic performance throughout the school year.


Usually the Award ceremony is performed at the Church of Notre Dame du Rosaire in Port-a-Piment after the celebration of Sunday mass. Since the church was destroyed by Hurricane Matthew, parishioners have been attending mass at the Salle Paroissiale and that is where the Award ceremony took place.


At the end of the mass, the Parish Pastor, Father Cherfils, introduced Mrs. Paule-Edeline Orcel, KPP board member in charge of the Award presentation, accompanied by Agr. Gerdy François, another KPP member. In attendance this year was the President of KPP Mr. Frantz Jean. In his allocution, Mr Jean took the opportunity to thank the parents, the teachers and the directors for their effort and guidance.


The students, one by one, went on the podium and were presented with a Certificate and a cash envelope to help bear the cost of higher education.


The 2018 recipients of the PRIX d‘EXCELLENCE ERIC BELFORT are:

Name School
Jean Minold Rendische Lycée de Port-a-Piment
Abigail Seide Lycée de Port-a-Piment
Miermon Francois Lycée de Port-a-Piment
Germaine Vital E F A C A P
Vendinière Cayford E F A C A P
Jullie Frederik Ecole Evangélique Baptiste
Louinord Pierre-Louis Ecole Evangélique Baptiste
Guerline Moise Collège Stella Maris
Keveni Alcindor Collège Stella Maris

Konbit Pou Potapiman will continue this tradition of rewarding academic excellence. KPP wants to say thank you to the family of Eric Belfort for providing the funds for this activity.


Thank you all for your support.



Carolle Paul